I24 e ít Difiourf of true happinege. by alongcuflome in a diffolute courfe, by the contagious company oflewd and graceleffe companions, by the curl:. ofGodupon hiswilful' continuance in finne; therefore I fay, his thoughts Are all continually, and refolvedly thine, and that in a highandhorrible degree : Wickednefle bath fo en- woven it felfeintohis heart, that within he is very corrup- tion.And whereas amongit all other comforts of life, fleepe dothmoll fweetely feede and refrefh nature yet thehumour of (Inne is fàrre more naturali unto him, and more domi- nant in his aflèc4ions,then delire of leepe. Forhecannotfleepe, except he hatb done will: and hie fleepe departeth, except hee caufe fome to fall. lice magineth inifchiefe upon hie bed, PM. 36.4. When he is compaf ed with the feares and darkene4fe ofthenight, an image and reprefentationof his grave, and ofthehorrorof that greatDay ; when his minde is retired fromworldlyaffaires, thenoife and tumultof men, when it is molt aaive,powerfull,and fitted for divine contemplation; even thenare his thoughts as blacke as hell, and deepeft in theworkesofdarkneffe ; then isheplotting and contriving. mifchiefe : how to compaflehis pleafures, and aecpmpli(k the lullsofhis heart; whereto crowne himfelfe with freí`i Rofe-buds ; by what meanes to fet forward the trade of drunkennefle,, and toenlarge the numberofSatans revellers; that with more contentment and company bee may;leave fome tokens ofhis pleafures, and swaggering in every place :; how to fupplant his brother, oppreffe hisneighbour, grieve, anddìfgraceGodsfervánts; indeed bow to becomean abfo lute-villaine upon earth,end the foulefl fiend in hell. You fee what are the thoughts of the notorious fanners. obdurate heart, which isas full ofbardneffe, as theMoone of ,light; and therefereinforced, as it were, toempty and dif charge it felfeof fome flonineffe, by transfi:fing an iron fìnew into the necke, and a brazen brow into the face. Neither judgement nor mercy will bend and encline him to grace r. no admonition or miniftry oftheWord,will make himblufh at his open and profell impiety. So that his heart doth not onely greedily entertaine, what lewdreffe doth ordinarily fpring