e_1 vifeortrfe oftrue bappine/s. . fpring from corruptionofnature, and is fuggefted byothers; but being paf all fnce,bothoffhameand fin, becomesone of the divels new inventors, and fets the thoughts bufily on worke for thedevice oftirange villaniesand mifchiefes, and for addition of new formes, fathions, and circumftancesof. finning. No betterare the thoughts of the groffe hypocrite, ano- ther kind oflintier, but fully as foule and abhominable. Forif we could looke intohis heart, though his outward life be or- dered finoothly and civilly; yet we thould fee within,a bloo- dy flaughter-houfe ofmalice,cruelty and revenge; anhateful'' (ewes of impure imiginations and adulteries of the heart, a forgeofmuchmifchiefe, of furious and fiery rage againf} the power ofgrace, an infatiable golfe of greedy delires for wealth and riches, for undefrved refpe& and reverence in >: the world ; indeed a cage of all uncleane and ravenous birds. Here is onely the diff,rence ; the notorious (inner dares a& andexecute the abhominatiousofhisheart inthe fight ofthe Sunne : but the greffehypocrite would gladly finne unfeene, and got: tohell with as little noife and noticeofthe world as may be and therefore he draws a curtaineofcoozenage and hypocrifiebetwixt thefight of the world and fouleneff of his finne.I n thehearts of AI)a3 and Ie;:abel was nothing but blood andmurder, covetoufueffe, oppre,on, and mercile(fe enclofure ; onely upon theougly vifagesofthefe foulefiends, they put a vizardof a faft, formali witneffes, and legall pro- ceeding. Theordinary thoughts then of the groffe hypo- crite arethe fame, as vile and hellifh, as thofe of the notori- ous (inner. Nay he doubleshis iniquity, and addes waight to thevengeance preparing for him ; in that he (}raines the utmoft veine of his wit, and founds the depthofhis damned pollicie,to clothe themwith fairepretences, and colourable thefts, as they paffe and prefect themfelvesunto the.world in words and a&tons and in that hee labours to feeme a Saint, while he is in truth an incarnate divell. But the thoughts ofthe formal)hypocrite ; for withhimI am fpecially to deale, (I haveonely added in this point, the K 2 noto- I25 2. t Kin$tt,i 3.