Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

126 f. It x `four fe oftrue happine f e. notorious finder. and groffe hypocrite, for farther ditlin}ì- on and illtiftration) I fay,his thoughts, as they come certaine, ly fbort oftrue finctitication, fo they axe tarre better then tildenow mentioned. For wefìrppofhis heart to be feafo- nett withgoodneffeofnature and civil honefty ; to have to fled ofthegenerali graces of Gods Spirit, and in forme fort ofthepowers oftheworld tocorne; & therfore his thoughts are more fake, ingenuous, fober and moderate, then thofe faille and hateful Ones of the notorious firmer, . and große hypocrite. His heart will rife, and be .,ffrightedwith fagge ftions of infamous confequence and markahle horrour; as thofe ofAtheifine, Cruelty, Drunkenneffe, Adultery, Here- -fie and fuck like but notwithflanding, becaufe it is not foft- ned and fantifiedby fpeciall grace; (without much fcruple or confcience) it will let the imaginations bofe to Much ictleneff;, and. vanity, tomany frtntleffeconceits, impertinen tiesand pro have wandrings; but efpecially into the end- beffe maze ofworldly cares and earthly-mindedneffe, Forhe loth. in fume fort in his praelife approove and jufifie that wicked andpeftilent proverbe : Thoughts arefree. They are fee indeed,in.refped of obnoxioufheffe tohumane juftice, ìn refpeci ofdifcovery and danger from any creature.;. but the- eye and vengeance of heaven takes firf} and fpeciall notice of them, and holds them puiiihable, as the-principals, and cliefeplotters of all tranfgreilions.. Words and,atiions are as it were firmes at fecond. hand, the -very firfit life.and fi,efhe{t vigour ofall illis immediately received, and inf,ired into the thoughts. Hence it is, that Peter advifeth Simon Q.3ligru., to :praygod, if it therepofh/e,that the.thought of his heart might. be forgiven him-: as though there.:lay the.greatefb guilt, and 'deepen [lainebeforeCod. ley the way before I page to the thoughts: ofGods child; obferveone fpeciall markeofd fErence in.thispoint, betwixt the true Chriftran,and formali hypocrite.. The formal hypocrite loth ever harbour- and maintáine inhiìnfelfe,:one fweetpleafingboforne frnne or other ; as vo- luptuoufneffe,worldlinefl`:i, a greedypurfuit of temporall fe- licity,.,