Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

c..P Zifevurfe©ftrue happineJ. 127 licity, an exceffive delire of greatnes andnote in the world, an oppofitionto fincerity, a delight in good fellowfhip, or fome fach like carnali contentment, or ferret finne,on which hismind moll runs ; whereupon thebell and the flower, the fervency & deareneffeofhis thoughts are fpent.Gods Word, honour,and fervice,checks ofconfcience, motionsofthe Spi- rit,minifleryofthe 'Nord,admonition offriends, falvationof foule (byan unreafonable and inconfequent difcourfe ofhis fenfuall reafon) areall made fubordinate and ferviceable to this Idoll: To whichwithmuchdelight he daily facrificeth thenoblefl and immediate workes and iffies ofhis foule. As for the frate ofhis confcience, fpirituall affaires, care ofhea- ven, that One necefary thing; thefe things take up his thoughts but at reverfìon,by harts, byaccident ; and when they come into the heart, their entertainement is very cold andirange, their abodefhort ; andwhile theyfray, they are apprehended andenjoyed with muchwearineffe and weak- neffe.I conceive this tobe the reafon : Hee bath a full tafte and prefent feelingof thepleafures of his fweetefinne ; he bath fenfible and certaine poffeflion of worldly content- ments,but no reali and found affürance byPaving faith, and his forfàking all finne, ofthe joyes and comforts above; and therefore loth greedily follow and feede upon theprefent, with confent of his erring judgement, delight ofheart, the bellof his aftdions, and moll of his thoughts. And for hereafter,fith he is confcious to himfelfe of an honefl civili life,ofafober form ll carriage in the affaires of religion, and thathe is not infamous with anynotorioufhes in the world ; but as good as theheft, a few precife fellowesofpurer ftraine onelyexcepted, whofe pretence andprofefl-ion ofextraordi- nary fanaity, is nothing (inhis conceit) but humour andby pocrifie; he therefore,I fay,for hereafter,refers himfelfe at all adventures untothe mercy ofGod,and to the lot and con- ditionofmanythoufands which are in thefame cafeand [tate with himfelfe. But it is otherwifewith Gods child: For by the powerof fane}ifyinggrace, as bee bath alfo morti ed all other : fo K 3 fpecially ,