Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

12 Difcoürfe of true hdppzneffë, fpecially he bath broke the veryheart ofthe fweete finne of his unregeneration. And as in a befieged City, where the greateft andmolt dangerous breach is made, there theinha- bitants concurre with chiLfeP care, and highelt refolution, to fortifie and make refìltance : even fo fith he knowes and feeles,..that before his calling,his delightfull and darling finne inoft fearefullÿ wafted his foule, ,and wounded his confci- ence, hemakes fare to employ his thoughts with fpecìall edge and indignation, to countermine, prevent,refìft, abho- minate and abandon all thought ofthat finne : And now by the, grace of God, fith the heart, the fountaine, is purged: and fandified, the ftreame and hate of their intention anddelight is carried another way. For hehath found that richand inertia-ilk Treafure in the Gofpell and there fore heft/rod-that he h4th;_ he parts with every pleafure ;. he caftsout ofhisconce't whatfoever .hath beene formerly. deare and precious unto him ; and lets all his thoughts,witii loofereines,.greateft joyfallnefíe, and ofteneft meditation rnnne after it andfweetly refrefh themfelveswith theglo- ry and comfort of it. 1 f aman upon theway fhould finde fome precious orient pearle,: hardly could he keepe his eyes fromgazing upon. it (his exceffe of joy would eafily com- mand and confine the fight to fo rare and hopefull an ob jed,) untill he meete with foineskilfull LapidariAor come wherehe mi ht thorówly be acquainted with the worth, . and fully enjoy the wealthof it: Even fo,afrer aman by the illightned eyeof the foule, and the hand offlying futh, oncefeazeth andlays fare hold upon the pearle ofgreatprice, thegrace ofGods Spirit andoternall Iife; the heart is pre-`. fently fo filled with loveand 'admiration, that,for ever after itfpends themoft,thedearelt,and thenoblelt thoughtsupon, it and they once fet on. foote, arefo cheered and ravi : with the .heavenly: beauty Hereof, that they follow with- continuall encreafé of fervency and .longing; untill' they come unto the cleerevifion and fall pofíeflion ofit, at the righthand offod, in the endleflè ¡ a- bove. The