Difceurfeoftrue happine/ . 1z9 The thoughts thenof atrue Chriftian are ofa.farremore 4. heavenly temper, divine nature,and higher ftraine,then the largefl heart ofthebeft unregenerate man can, orlothpof- fbly.comprèlaend.The fo.na-11 hypocrite may have his mind worthily bufied in points ofdeepeft learning,in the myfle- ries of State,and affrires ofKingdomes,in thebeft and high- er confederations, whichnature, art,morality,or pollicy can afford ; nay,hemay fometimes entertaine intohisthoughts with joy,the promifes ofgracç, thehappines ofthe Saints, the joyes ofheaven,& the like;though thefe have never any root or long relidence in him. But that the Word of grace fhould fo implant it feifinto the innerman,that the thoughts fhould never be fo well or welcome to the heart, as when they are wading in the great myfieryofgodlineffe,andwith anholywitdome plotting for the inlargement ofChrifts glorious kin dome, in himfelfeand others : That it fhould make all other difcourfes oftheminde fubordinate and con- tributary to fach heavenlymeditations : and to thisend fet bounds and limits to the millionsof imaginations that daily arife,and eren an holyregiment amongft them; I fay,this is thefpeciall prerogativeofa fanftìfìed man. For he alone,bc- caufeofhis truth,ftncerity anduprightnesin the inner parts, makes confcience ofidle, vaine,andwandring thoughts, (of which the formall hypocrite,etther takes nonotice at all,or not much to heart.)He is ás much call down,vext and grie- vedwith their diforder andexorbitancy, as with the errors and infirmitiesofhis wordsandanions ; and therefore ella- blii1 eth(as itwere)a gracious governmentamongft them,to keepeout confafion,idlenes,and rebellion.He confines them to a reverent and feeling meditation upon Gods Word and works, to a careofconfcionable managing theaffetres ofhis calling ; only fometimes,but fparingly withmany cautions, exceptions,and feafonabienes, letting themout to honeft re- creations. Whatfoever thought is wandring without this compaffe, or within it unfincere, is finfull : fothat if he take any flragling, without thefe limits, any c, tifersto vanities & tmpertinencies,any obtruders & diflurberi offohappy ní1 K 4