Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

t4 .ifcaurfé of happinef. remiffion of firms, fpirituall comforts, and eternal! life,and particularly fealed unto them by the Spirit of thefameword. Solomon confirmes this worthy practice of his father, byhis tflimony,`Pro. i 2.5. The thoughts ofthe iuf are right, iudge- ment,or iuflice ; for fo theword lignifies in the Originall; bast thefubtiledevices ofthe wicked are deceit. The thoughts of all unregenerate men are commonly, either rooting intheearth, or drowned in pleafures, or running after preferment, or ran- ging up and downe idly and prophanely, or fruitlefly me lancholike ; or iffometimes theyglance, or fettle theinfelves upon good things, they are í1i11 as a menftruous clout, and abhomination to theLord : becaufe their confciences arenot renewed,their hearts purged,their perfons faneìified and ac- cepted. But the thoughts ofevery child ofGod are ordinari- ly working for the maintenance and furtheringof Godsglo- ry and good caufes; for procuring true good to their bre- thren, efpecially in fpirituall things ; for increafing gracein themfelves, and their flore ofcomfort againft thedayof tri- a11. And iffobe (which fometimesbefalls thebefl) they be croft by tinfoil motions in themfelves,orfuggeflionsofsatan; yet by their furprizingand fuppreffing them at thevery lirff riling andaffault, and by prefent repentance, they are un- doubtedly everpardoned unto them inChrift jefus. Give me leave, Ipray you,to illuflrate this varietyand dif- ferenceof thoughts (which I havenowlargely laid downe unto you) in our felves, for theneerer preffing ófour confci ences,and that in the matter ofEle&ions. Let us imagine a notorious firmer to have a voice and L hand in fuch bufineffe : his very fitfl thoughts would be to haveno thought at all of Oath or Statute, of confcience or honefly, ofhonour of his Colledge,or good ofthe Church : but would refolve out of the prophane principles of his vaft confcience, and by the benefit of a large acception of cha- rity, tobe indifferent for all commers. Onelyinhis choice, he wouldhave an eye to the maine, that the fiate of good- feIlowfhip fhould take no difparagement or diminution ; and therefore hee would moft carefully call about with himfelfe 131