Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

13 f t-.4 Difcourfè oftrue happineffi. * The world is come to that wret- ched patic and height ofpropha- nefse,that even ho. neftyand fanftifca tion is many times odi- ouflybt an. ded by the nickname of Purita- nifine. 2. himfelfe by all m°anes,to defeateand prevent thepurpofes, and to f}op the paffage efpecially ofall Puritanes. Youmull know by the way, that thefe are a very dangerous kindeof men, able toblow up wholehoufes, by their toofiery zeale againff idleneffe,drunkenneffe, other fhamefull corruptions, clofe and polliticke carriagesofmany rotten and unconfcio- nable caufsand the like. For by * Puritanes in this place,I onely underftand them, {for even fuch are fobranded) who make confcienceoffludy,and Religious educationofScho1- lers;who areready ever, and refolute to uphold goodnes in a Houfe,though they be cruiht,difgraced and difafficed: who out ofa gracious and ingenuous freedome ofSpirit, will be their owne men inEledions,and other Collegiate f rvices; and not fufa their confciences to be led hood-winkt, to ferre other mens humoursand private ends; who chufe ra- ther ina negleaed f}ate,fweetly to enjoy the continual feafl and perpetuall paradife of a fincere heart, true andinward comfort,the fociety ofGods fervants ; thenfor many times full dearelybought favours and offices, to enthrall and vio- lence both their judgementsand affdions,t_o live referved- ly,under a mask, and at a haires breadth for alloccafions and obfervances ; fo wearingout a little miferable time in a glo- rious and countenanced flavery. In a word,whoofthe two, would rather fave their foules, then profper in the world. Now fuch fellowes as thefe, thinks hewith himfelfe,which feeme,as it were,byan hypocriticall c.illonopolie,to have en- groft all fincerity, honef}y and good confcience, rnufc be kept out; or ifby tomedifaf}er they creepe in amongft us,be curbed and kept under, elfe ohall not we fway anddomi- neere. Hereupon all the labour of his wit; and toile ofhis thoughts would be, to plant a thorne, where a vine fhould grow ; and tohurthen thefefacred and honorable Maniions, defigned onely for gracious and golden wits, with leaden drones, and fwarmes ofworthlefle and witleffe creatures. Secondly, the thoughts of the grofle hypocite in this waightybulines ofElections, would be as utterlyvoid ofall confcionable,and ingenuous confideratious, as thenotorious finners.