f t.4 .D feettrfe of true happinef . 133 finners.Iirft,hewould cómunewithHs Own covetous heart (for commoly worldlines is themailer in in the groffe hy- pocrite, therefore I follow the thoughtsriling thence). he wouldwithinhitnfelfcaft agreedy& ravenous eye upon the conditionofall the competitorsfor theplace; and at length cónclude,& befare to feaze upon that party (let his learning or honefty be what itwould)where in al likelihoodhe might make the richeft prey, and fuck out thegreateft advantage : Eitherpurchafe a great frtend,ftrengthenfiis fktion,gratifie . hisfavourites,receive a prefent bribe,or elfe,which is afècret but afinfull poilicy,by weighing cireumftances,Marking in- timations, & formercarriages,expet the largeft after-grati- fication,clofe and indire l confderations,and the moft libe- ral New-yeares gifts.(for in themcertainly fomtimes lurks corruption.)Thefe things thus thought upon,there followes now in him, anaddition to the iniquityofthenotorious fin- ner. He isnot content tobe thus ftarke naught,- but he muft double his finby Teeming good ; it is not enough for him to be thus curfedlypeftilent to the placewhere he lives,buthe . muft enlarge the mifchief,by puttingon a vizardofpiety:he therefore in afecond placewouldbeatehiswbraines, how he might varnifh over. this villany, withmoft probable and fai- reft pretences. Thebribemuftcome in uponother termes, with other circumftances, then thegroffenesofthat vile fin is wont tobe,convaied ;hethinks how hemay dealt openly, and in theeyè'of the worldwithmen,without all fufpitiony , while the.matter is carriedunderhandby fubtile, mediate, &moil exercifed agents in thegoodly affaires of abhomina-- hie corruption: Laftly,he ismuch troubled inmind,how for al thishe maycontinue a.good pinionwith goodmen,and- givefatisfadion to thofe,wliom lie.deceives.by hisfeeming:. . butby much praaife hemakes thisreafonableeafiie;for poli- tickhypocrifie bath fomany. faces,turnings &.evafions,that it can too eafily infìnuatewith,& fatisfieunfufpicious,inno- cent &charitable fincerity.He can tell-themoffomedepths in themyfkery ofgovernment,which every-precifeunderling: cannot comprehend;that force liberty anddifpenfation.muft, be: