134 ks,f Difrourféoftrueh ppineJ, . be given to ftatute-diferetion, againft the bare letter, and ftridmeaning of the ftatute ; that wee live not in Platoes j Common-wealth, or c ilifores Emtopia,but incorrupt times,in thevery confluence ofall the fins of former ages ; and there- fore itis utterly impofiibleto `keepe a mans felfe fo paflingly pure from all fpice of contagion ; that fomething muff needs be yeeldedto the time, elfe there is no living, at leaft,no pro- fpering in the world. Thus the groin hypocrite is ever as thoughtfull for outward plaiftering,as fecret plotting. 3 Thirdly, let us conceive what would be the inwarddif- courfe and workings of the heart in the formall hypocrite, about difpofìng his voice in Elections. His thoughts in thefe cafes perhaps, would not be extremely bafe,nor gro(fely wic- ked: it may be,he wouldbeable to cleereeven his confcience and inmoft conceit ; much more towadi his hands from the hatefull andcrying finne ofdowne-right bribery. This hor- ribleneffe is only for notorious(inners, ,nd groffe hypocrites. Nay, out offomefudden pang ofhigbeft refolution, that in. genuoufneffeof' nature or morali honefly can produce, he mighttake heartto anfwer and withfland the faits and im- portunity ofGreatneffe and great meanes : onely with this refolution,fo that hisprefent happineffebe not thereby main- lyhazarded, nor hopeof his future preferment certainely cut off. Forwe mutt {till hold this principle concerning the for- mall hypocrite; if he be brought to a jumpe, he will ever make even Gods holy Word, confcience, religion, defies andintreaties ofGodly men, and all to yeeld and ftoope to the worldly comfortshe prefently enjoyes ; but upon as faire terms, andwithas plaufible conveiance as may be. It may be,he wilLbe good in many things,and outwardly in all ; but fay the Prophetswhat theywill, he malt into the houleof Rimnaon, God mull be merciful! unto him inonethingor o- ther : he is fhortof the (late ofgrace, and by confequent, hath not found& reall a(füranceof heaven above;and therfore he will have forcefweetnes in themeane time,he will enjoy force fhadow (at leaff)ofone heavenor other upon earth. So that ifwe fuppofefach anone to take a view in his thoughts of .