LA hjccurfe of true Alpinefe. ofall: hat [land for apiace,hewould refolve for goodne%and l onelry,fo fir as thefecurity and fafetyofhis maine content- mews would givehim leave; fo far as the light ofreafbn, and glimmerings ofgenerali graces wereable to leade him : but becaufe he is frill tco refpective ofhis owneparticular, wants the eye offpirituall difcretion, and fùflers his con(cience to be cooled and countermandedby worldly wifedome; he may(1 grant)ty confrraint,occauonally, or by accident, confènt and concur upon the worthieft; but ordinarily, for meerelove of religioufneffe, bee doth not make within his owne heart, a free, unpLflionate, impartiall, fincere and confcionable choice. For let him otherwife be never fo wife or honefr yet he is a meere ftranger to the royfrery of godlineffe,utter- ly unapprehenfiveof the fingular and fupernaturall opera- tions of the lifeofgrace; and therefore cannot difcerne be- twixt refolute fìncerity, and true turbulency : whereupon it may often come to paffe, that by apromilcuous confù{ion ofthefe twomoft dif rent fpirits, he may(So much as inhim lies) repell farre the beft, to the unfatiable wrong of the party, and the unvaluable loffe of the houfe which should enjoy him. There is one point further in deliberation of this nature, in which hewould jumpe with thenotorious (inner : In advifing with himfelfe for a fit man, ifby the way his thoughts fhoúld be crofhed, with a man ofknowne, pro- fe.fïèd, and prac`tifed forwardneílè in religion ; bee would paflè him over with contempt and indignation ; for thus would hethinke withhimfelL : Iffuch a fellow come in a- mongil us, we.fhall have all moulded anew after the ftri, modellof his irregular confcience; we fbould be troubled withnew trickesand erec`hons,for the encreafement ofTrudy andreformationofmanners ; be would be frill franding and ftriving for an Idea and abfrradive purity in ElcElions, and other attires oftheColledge; fo that our former quietneffh and peace wouldbe much diffweetned with his tartnefïe,:. and too much precifeneffe. Thus would he beas hot and beady againft thepower of grace, as the notorious (inner. for though there be many diffrent degrees of ilneff; of - unrege '35