Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

T36 _.10..11_. *p731 tcet interpreto ri,vel mut- tos vet magnos. [Magni] redildit Cotvinus. v4 Difcourfe oftrue happirsege. -`"` untáegta7eratemen ; fome are famemore fober, tolerable, and moderate then others, yet all commonly agree in this that they arebitter and implacable Oppoltes to the profs! , lion andpraeticeof found and Ewing fincerity. Gois faith- fiiilOnes ever were, and ever will be Signer and Wonders even in ifra`l: Ifa,8. i 8. c *tonfters unto the * great men of the World, as `Davidwas, Pfalme71 ,y, 1 fcorne,reproach, and derifionto them that are round ajout them, `Pfal,y9,4, Tliey {hall ever be accounted men of an odde fafhion, and íìngu_ lar carriage fromother men, TOP. a: i S. precif, hamoroas hypocritical and the like. Miftakemenot ; I apologize îlot for any unwarrantable opinion tending to Separation; it is only fanftification, true and undifl mbled holineffe, with- out whichnone (hall ever fee the face of God, or ?lo:-y of heaven, which I ftand for, and intend in all my Difcourfe. But by the way let mee tell, you this, in this general and joynt-confpiracy ofall kinder of naturall men, againft the ípirituall fiate of true Chriftians, and the foveraigaty of` Gods fan&ifying Spirit in them;thenieere civili honelt man, and formali hypocrite (as I take it) are tranfported with more fierceneWe and rage againft them, then the grolle hy- pocrite, and notorious firmer. This I take to be the reafo:a; the ros e hypocrite, he thanesagaina the light of his owne conícience, and with the certaine knowledge ofhis heart; and therefore dothnot much envie and grudge the righte- ous man his excellencie above his neighbour, and falvation ofhis foule : The notorious(inner in his more fober mood, and cold blood, will confeifehimfelfe tobeout of theway, promit andproteft amendment; orat leant referves in his heart a refolution to repent when he is old : but the meere civill honeft man, and the formall hypocrite thinke their owne fiate tobe as good as the belt ; and whatfoever is more, and betides that which they finde in themflves, to be but needleffe precifneffe, and affdted fingularity; and therefore aremany times gauld and grieved, that the truly gracious and confcionable carriage of Gods f rvants, doth cenfure and condemn their outwardneffe and formality in religion;