Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

t,/1 Difccirfë oftrue hIpf,,,effé. joy andpeace, as ifhe had the one foot in heaven already; and with theone handhad laid hold upon thecrowne oflife; el eciallyaftera zealousheat,and feeling fervency in prayer after an entire, gracious and profitable fanatification of the Sabbath at the time offome great and extraordinary humili- ation entertained and exercifcd with fruit and ftncerity;when he lath frefhly with deepeft groanes and fighs, and new ftruglings offpirit,renewed hisR epentance,upon occafion of relapfe into fome old, or fall into fome new fin ; when _ the rmr oyfoned arrowes ofcruell and fiery tongues,pointed with malice,policy & prophaneneífe,come thicken upon him : and yet ietiring into his own innocent heart, he finds no caufe of fuch r cileffe vexation, but defenceofGods truth, and pro- feffion ofholineffe.Nay,fnnetimesupon the deaths-bed to a foul coufciousófan upright & unfpotted life,the joyes ofhea- ven prefent themfelves before the time; (fo longing a fympa- thy is therebetwixt the lifeofgrace and endles glory) Such like joyful' fpringings,& heavenly elevations ofheartasthere which I have nowmentioned,are thetrueChrifl ianspeculiitr; no firanger canmeddlewith them,no heartcan conceive'rliê, but that which is the TempleofGods pureandbleffed Spirit. 2. Thus farre ofthedif rence oftheir thoughts, in refpe tof their nature and manner ofworking : Now in a fecond place, Gods child isnotablydiffirenccd from the fbrmalihypocrite by the feafonaólenesofhis thoughts,and their wholy ferving the time. Ín abody ofbeft'and exaaÍeft conftitution, the feníès are quickand niirble,,and fbarplieft difcerne with greatefr life and vigour apprehend their otle6ts, aníi aremarl- fenfbly of fearedor difpleafed With their convenience, or antipathy:. Even fo inaheart of true fpiritual temper,fafoned and Loft- nedwith thedew ofgrace;the thoughts are ad ive,ready and addreft with zeale and contentment, to encline and apply thenafelves to the conditionofthe times, andvariety of oc- cafionsoff:red for force holy ufe,to thebettering ofthe foule and the enlargingofGodsglory.Tn the timeoffafts and lick- cloth; ifGods judgements be threatned out ofthe Pulpit, or execute