Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

i42 ` c.4Df f f' l t ccu e o true >appinei. wherein it fhouldnot only repaireand furni(h it felfe with new fpiritualffrength ,with greaterffore ofknowledg,grace and comfort:butalfofeaffwith its heavenly friends, theblef- fedSaints and Angels, upon thole glorious joyes and happy reff,whichnever ohall have end. Every child ofGod there- fore, which bath already a reali intereff in that eternall tell,, makesnot only confcienceofdoing his oarne Wayes, feekng his 16.78,13, owneWi11,,F eakingavaineWordonthatday: but alfo in form goodmeafùre makes it theverydelight ofhis heart, the love and comfort ofhis inward thoughts, fo that he may confe- crate it 44gtoriow to the Lord. Hedoth not only give quit and ceffation tohis body fromworldly bufincffe, and workes ofhis calling ; but altoempties his head, and disburdens his thoughtsofall earthly cares,that fo theymay wholly and en- tirely intend the holy motions of Gods Spirit, and fpend themfelves in odly and extraordinary meditations, fitting the fe.,ft day of the foul; and the Lords holy day. This is thedefire,longing and endeavour of his heart, thus to fanai- fie theSabbath ; and ifat any time he be turned awry from this uprightneflébycompany, orhisown corruptions, he is after mudh grieved and vext with it; repents'and prayes for morezeale, confcience, and carefor the time tocorne. But the.formall hypocrite, howfoever he may on that day for- beare and abifamfrom his ordinary fins,Iabours, fports, and . idleneffe;liowfoever hemay outwardly exercife and execute all duties and fervicesofReligion ; though indeed more of cuftomeand for fafhion, than with hearty and true devo-, tion: Nay,he mayhaveother thoughts of that day, but on- ly fofarreas thebare folemnity ofthe time, and the greater Frefencecan alter them : yet I dare boldly fay it,' no tbrmall hypocrite, nokindofunregenerate man can poflìbly make the Sabbath his de li ght,as is required,Ifa,s 8.i 2. And Which isprefuppofed tomakeus capable ofthe blefíìngs following in the fameplace:Then/bait thou delight in the Lord, andIWilt make thee to mount upon the hiohplacero f the earth, andfeed thee With the heritage oflacob thy father : for the month of the Lord kathssaknit; He cannot-forhis life £equefter his thoughts a1