L/4 Difiourfi oftrue hdppinefe. at all, not even on that day from woridlineíle and earthly pleafures, todivine and facred meditations. Doe what he can, he cannotbeate and keepe themóff from worldly Ob- je-ts;theywill not leave their former haunts,or be reftrained from plotting or pleating themfelves with week-day bufi- nelíes. Lord, it is orange that the foul of a man, fo nobly furni- flied with powers of higheft contemplation : being fo ftrongly and fenfibly poffeft with confcionfheffe and con- ceit ofits own immortality ; andhaving the reflle% and un- fatisfied defiresofits wide capacity, never fild but with the Maj riy of God himf.df, and the glory of an immortali Crowne, enouldbe filcha ftranger toHeaven, theplace ófits birth and everlafting abode; that upon that day, wheron (as upon the golden fpot and Pearle ofthe week) the Lord hathftamped his own facred Seale of inftitution, and fo- lemn confecration for his own particular fervice, and fpe- ciallhonour ; yet, I fay, upon that day it cannot fettle and continue itsown thoughtsandmotions upon thofe unmixed And blefled joyes, and the way unto them ; without which it íhall be everlaftingly miferable, an burn hereafter in that fiery lake, whofe flames are fed with infinite rivers of brimflone, and the endlefle wrath of God for ever and e- ver! Now I pray you tell me, when we fhall have raigned hereafter many millions of years in heaven, what thoughts will remainofthis little inch oftimeupon earth ? Whenwe have pafledthorow a piece of eternity, where will appeare the minuteofthis miferable life; and yet our thoughts and affc(lions are fo glued unto the world, as though eterity wereupon earth,and timeonly inheaven ?You are men capa- ble ofworthieftand higheft elevations of fpirit, I befeech you, refume this meditation at your leifure; me thinks it fhould be ableto breed thoughts of a farre more noble and heavenly temper, than ordinarilyarife and are nourifhed in the heartsofmen. But to followmypurpofe: Certain it is, not the belt un- L 3 regene -, 143