144 cam? Difcourf (true happinefre. regeneratemen can endure an entire and exalt fanc`lificati- ònofthe Sabbath ; it is not a Jubile to their hearts, and the joy oftheir thoughts : for they cannot abide to have their minds flay long ina feeling meditation upon fpirituall af- t L uponthe examinationoftheir former life, themate of theother world, the fleightsand'tcntatións ofSatan,the day ofdeath,the tribunal! ofHeaven,and fuch like. For though thebell of themmayhave a perfwallon oftheir being in' the !lateofgrace, as I havelargely provedheretofore; yet 11th it is wrongly and'falÌlygrounded, it cannot abide the f arch andtouch. fione : Hence it is,that ofall things they love not to'be alone." They maypleafe themfelves well enough in fo- litarineffe, upon force private bufineflè;. for the more pro- foundplotting and contriving worldly matters; for á more free,but filthyexercife oftheadulteriesofthe heart, and con- templative fornication to feed upon dull and fruitleffeme- lancholy ; to let their thoughts wildly range, and runne riot intoa world ofimaginations; todive into the myfleries of nature,or depths ofState: but tobe alone only for this pur- pofe,that themind may more fully and immediately work upon the fpiritualllute of the foul, and impartiallyenquire into theconfcience; they cannot,theywill not endure it;and therfore commonlycall themfelves into one knot of good fellowfhip or other, that they may merrily pad:: away the time;for an houreofwhich (the time ofgracebeing onceex- pired)they would give ten thoufand worlds, yet' fhall, never be able topurchafe it again. ButGods children, when they are alone, have inward comfort andheavenlymatter enough toworkupon : a ple- fingcontentment and fatisfadion, anfing from an humble and fober remembrance of a well fFent life, cloth infinite- ly more refrelh them, then all. the revellings and pleafant devices of merry companions : nay, many times in their feafonable falitarinefhe, divine graces are more operative and {timing, and raife - inflamed: motions of delight and joy. Now in a third place, we are toconfider that thechild of God-