146 t fl Di[cctarf oftrue happineje.. particular,; and cotiti.411.11 v*a'.z 11 and: ward over his thoughts, which is little enough tokeepe a Chriftian in found comfort and inward peace ; he hath noheart with fhch anxiety and careto took unto his heart : he loth not fo often and fej- oully thinkupon his thoughts, holding it the latiaud leaft of''a thoufand cares. But every child ofGod certainly makes it his chiefeft care, andone ofhis greateft Chriftian toiles,to guard his heart, and guide his thoughts. He follows in fotnegood meafure (by his pradice) that holy counfell ofd Salomon, Prov,4,23. Above all Watch and zraard, kepe thine heart. The word in the Originall is borrowed fromthe af- faires ofwarre. Let us imaginea city' not only begirt witha ltrait and dangerous liege of cruell and blood-thitity ene- mies, but alto within infefted with lurking Commotioners, and Traitors to theState; howmuch, do you think, would it Rand that.city upon, with all vigilant policy, tohand up on its guard for preventionofdanger ? It is juít fo with the heart; not only Satan is ever waitingopportunity,to throw in his fiery -darts, and fenfuall Objeáts from abroad, like falfe Sinons to infinuate themfelves but ado it feels (to its much vexation) many rebellious ftirrings within its .own bowels.The tender confcience ofa true Chaim is 'very fenfable of all this danger; and by his own experimental) andpraedcall knowledge; he is acquainted with the many breaches and. defolations made in the foul, both by .tlief open enemies and feet-et Rebels; and therfore. furntteth hi in- felfdaily withmuch holy wifdomeand watchfullnelfe;with experience anddezterity in this great fpiritualf affair ofguar.... dingand guidinghis heart. We may takea view of this his fatetif;ed.and Chriftianwifdomein governinghis thoughts in thefe fouepoints: In a timely difcovery and wife defeatmenr of Satans ftratagems and policies; whether he deale by fuggtftions raiíèd from theoccafions, and advantages ofhis temper and naturali conftitution; ofhis temporali Rate;either happinefle or contempt ofhis infancy,orgrowth weakneffe or ftrength inChriftianity; ofthe-conditionof his calling, company,,_ place