Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

e...4 Drfccátrfe oftrue happineffe. placewhere he lives, or the like : Or whether he come ad- dreft with his own more fearfull immediate Injebions ; whichhe fometimes pre-feats in his own likeneffe. As when he calls into the Chrifiians mind, difirufts and doubts a- bout the truth ofHeaven, and ofdivineand .heavenly truthi concerning the certinty and being ofall the Ivy ajefly acid glory above;ft r flub thoughts as thefe are fometimes offe- red to the moll fanélified foul. Bernard cals them, terribiti,a cleide,horribilade divinitate. But marke here the carriage ofGods child, lie doth not wrafile with thefe hell-bred thoughts,he fees nothis naturall reafonupon them;for thence perhapswould follow inclinations to Atheifme, defperate- neffe in linning,and other fearfull confequents : but at theve- ry firft approach, abandons and abominates them to the very pit of hell whence they came ; he prayes,repents,and is hum- bled by them, and thence clearly fees they are none ofhis; and fo in defpight offuchdiulifh malice, walks on comfor- tably in the way toHeaven. ifSatan fpeed not in this black fha e ; he at other times putson the gloryofan Angell : and perhaps maybring into his remembrance,evengood things, but outoftheirdue time, that he may hinder him of forne greater good. As at the preachingofthe Word, hemay.cáfi intohis mind unfeafonably, godly meditations, that fo he may difiraC and deprive himofthe blefíings ofa profitable hearer : At the time ofPrayer,he may-fill his headwithhoiy- inftudions, that fohe may cookhis fervency, and bereave himofthe benefit offobleffed an exereife. With thefe, and a thoufand morefuck like vexations in his thoughts, the child ofGod is fore troubled and mùch exercifed. Secondly,another branchcffpirituall wifdome in watch- ing over his thoughts, is buffed about thofè finfull pleafures, which upon remembrance of his former old iniquities may re-infeci the foul. For a man may commit the fame fin a thoufand times, by 'renewing the pleafures of it in his thoughts.: , Thoughthe ac`t he pall, yet as often as the mind runs over the paffages and,circumfiances of the fame flnne, with the fame delight fo often the foul is polluted with a new 7 Lib de confrientia