I g I)ifcourf oftruehappineffi. * I mean horrour of Judgment, net dote- Ration. new ftaine,and ladenwith moreguiltineffe. Wheras there- fore the fenfuall fweetnefleofa mans beloved fins, bathbe- fore his calling,got fuch ftrong holdandhaunt in his af ai- ons,that it will beftïll afterward with baits and allurements, folliciting even the renewed heart, ifnot to the iteration of thegroffeact, yet at leaft to enjoy it in thought:It Both very muchbshove theChild ofGod,tobe wary and watchful' in this point. Ifhe remit but a littleofhis heat ofzeale againfk (inne and fervency ofhis firft love,or grow regardlefle of his thoughts, it will prefently gather power and opportunity for re- entire. Here then is the toyleand tryall of Chriftian wifdomeand watchfullneff over the thoughts. Ifwhen the foule pleafures offormer fins be reprefrated unto the mind, he bath either learned to fmoother them at their fill ftealing into the heart, byoppolingagainft them a confideration of the many wounds, and much wafte they have formerly made in hisfoule : Or elfe by his growth and ftrength in grace, beable to looke backe upon themwithoutdelight, to retaine themonly for renewing repentance, and to difnifle themwith loathing anddeteftation : Full fweet,is the com- fort, andgreat the happínefl'eofthat Chriftian, whohath his corruptions fo farre mortified, and the remiflîonof his fins fofurelyPealedunto him ; that the thoughts ofhis former pleating firmescan neither tickle himwith delight andnew defire,noraffright himwith * horrour. For theone,Oh(faith bleffedAuf in in his Confellions) what fhall I return unto mygraciou god, that I can now looker y formesin the face, and not be afraid? But here the wifeft Chriftian may be ealily plungedoverhead and cares into oneof Satans molt deceit- fulldepths,except hebe very wary : For in the folitary mu- fings upon his former (tines, to this good end, that he may utterly growout oflovewith them, and finther loath them; Satan is ever ready (for both his craft and malice are end lef e) fecretly toadde tinder to the fire ofhisañ c"cion, fo to inflamehimwith frefh love and liking of that (inne, which at that time he molt labours, and bath ever greateft reafon to abhorre. And the tide of affections being once on foot t towards.