Difceurfe of happine . towards:an old pleafìng fin;it is a great meáfure ofgrace mutt flop the torrent of them. In watching thereforeover the thoughts the brighteneyeofípirituall wifdomebath need to intend thispoint,to defèry this depth. Thirdly, another fpeciallcare the Child ofGod bath in, guarding theheart, is to banifh andkeepe out idleneffe, va- nityof mind, melancholy, worldly forrow, inward fretting, evill defires, wandring lulls, willies without deliberation, and fuch like. Heholds a wakingand jealous eye over thofe many baits and lures, which fpring and fprout eftfoones fromthe Fountain and roots oforigìnall corruption ; which the f}ate ofmortalitynever fuffrs to be utterly plucked up, and dryed away in this life : Heknows full well,ifthefe yong Cockatrices be not cruthed while they are inhatching ; that is, if wandring and wicked thoughts be not ftifled when they begin to flirre firft in the mind,they willfitft envenome the underffanding, theunderftanding the will, thewill the alreaions;the affeelions once enraged, and having the reines (like wildhorfes) will carry a man headlong into a worldof wickednefle. Above all, he makes fore ever to have in rea- dineffe and at hand, prefervatives and counter-poyfons a-, gainff thebaits of thofe three grand empoyfoners, theloft of the,lefh,the luft oftheeyes,4ndthepride oflife. Thereare thefe amine objeas, about which efpecially attuall concupifcence is finfully exercifed, riches, pleafures, honours : ifheonce let his thoughts clafpe about any ofthefewith immoderate de- fireanddelight, he is gone. For fo riches will bring foorth covetoufneffe, and covetoufnefhe begets ufury,.. oppreffïon, inclofure, buying and felling offices and dignities,grinding the faces of thepoore,and a thoufand moe mifchiefes : It de= % oures all naturall and honeft affe lions, and turnes them in- to earth ; it makes kindred, friends, acquaintance,.. content-) ments,fèrviceable to its greedy humour:. Nay,it makes .a man to condemne himfelfe body and foule for this tranfitory trafh. Pleafures inflame lull, and luff fo emafculates all the powers ofthe foule,that its nobleff operations become bru- tifh,it begetsa wanton eye, a lafcivious care, obfcene talke,. filthy, 149 3.