1 150 Difcourf oftruehappiaaO, filthy je s,delight inplayesandhatefull pidures,befidesma- nyother fecrct and fearfull abominations, nottobe concei- ved without borrow., much lefl'e to be named. Honours breed ambition, and ambition bids the foule (peak unto a . man,in the languageofXeroes mother ; Occidar modo impe- res : Be force body in the world while thou itayeft here, though 1 lye in the flames of Hell euerlaftingly hereafter. Deeply then Both it concerne every trueChrìftian with jea- loufìeand trembling, narrowly to watch and obferve the firft and ferret motions ofthe heart ; left he fhould unawares be wofully caught, and enfiiared in the blacke and accurfed chaise : thefirft linke ofwhich, grows oat of naturali cor- ruprion, and the laft reacheth the height ()Ethane, and depth ofhell. Wemay fee foure linkes ofit, James 1.14, I5. about t thebreeding offrn : andother fòure, ï-ieb.3.about its growth and perfec4ion. Firlt,añ idle fin ál1 thoughtbegins todraw, asit were, the heart afide from the pretence and coniidera- tion ofGod Almighty, to a fight and furvay of the plea- luresoffnne. Secondly,it having,as it were, the heart by it felfe, puts on a baits allures 'and entifes, holding a confe- rence andparley withthe will, about the fweetneffe ofplea- fures,riches,honours,glory,and fuch like. Thirdly, the will acceptsofthemotion, contents, plots, and fore-carts for the accompli(hment, the affections adde heat and ftrength, the heart travels with iniquity ; and fo at lengthby the helpe of opportunity, finne is brought forth If'you loo!e upon the Originall in Saint Tames,you_will eafily gatherthefe foam. de- grees. Now further, by often iteration ofthe ad of finning with delight and cuito,ne, the heart is hardened ; fo that no terrourofjudgement, nor promifeofrnercy will enter. Se- condly, it becomes an evill heart, and is wholly turned into (inne, it drinks up iniquity like water, and feeds upon it, as theHorfeleech on corrupt blood.?hirdiy, it growesan un- faithfull heart, and then a man begins to fay within hrmfelfe, there is noGod,atleai`l in ref->edofprovidence, and care o- verthe world, and executions of jud er,nent upon iïnners: he bidshim depArrfromhim ; and laies to him, I defire not the Ivzowled e ,