t.ß Dijcourje i f true happivef. knowledge of thy Vrayes ; who is the Almighty, that I Jhould fervehim ? Or what profit JhotddI have, if I JThouldpray unto him? Fourthly followes an utter falling away fromGod, grace, and all goodnef e, without all fenfe, checke, or re- inorfe ofuinne, fhame, andhis molt accurfed Date ; and fo immediately from this height of fanne, into the fiercel flame andloweft pit of hell. Ior ifthe fir1 degree deferve e- ternall death ; what confufion muD befall this Babell ? You fee in what danger he is that gives way unto his firD finfull motions. Laftly, a principali employment ofholy wifdorne in 4. guarding the thoughts, is fpent ingiving a wife and humble entertainment unto the good motions of Cods blefhed Spi- rit : and in fiarnifhingand fupplying the mindwith Dore of profitable and godly meditations. For as unregenerate men give commonly eatie pafläge to pleating worldly thoughts ; but fuppreffegracious {linings and inclinations to godly for- row repentanceand fincerity;as though they were tentations toprecifenes:fo contrarily Gods child labours by all meanes to flop the way to the fir-it finfull fenfuall thoughts; but alwayesdelires with fpeciall humility and reverence, to em- brace all the motions ofGods Spirit, warranted and groun- ded in his Word : He dearely and highly efiemes them, cherithethand feedes themwith fpirituall joy, and thanke- fulneffe ofheart,withFrayer, Meditation,and Practice.. For ifa man begin once to be neglec4iveof godly motions, by little and little he grieves the Spirit, at length he quencheth it ; at lait he is in danger of defpifing it ; if not by profef- fion anddirectly, yet in his practice, and by an indirect op- pofition, in flandering and perfecuting. fpirituall graces in Gods children. Betides this worthy care of entertaining and hourifhing good motions, he is provident to gatlkr ! and treafure up (lore ofgood matter and heavenly Eufineffes, for the continuall exercifeofhis mind : left that noble pow- er ofhis foule fhould be taken up with trifles and vani- ty feed upon earth ; or wcare and were it felfè with barren and'lumpifhmelancholy. He is much grieved and vexed, if 1g1