Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

15z Difeourfe oftruéhappineffi. ifhe findat any timehis heart carried away with tranfitory delights, carnall and unprofitable thoughts ; or his mind muting impertinently, andgazingupon thepainted and va- nifhinggloryof the world : Efpecially Pith there is fuch plentiftall andprecious choyce of belt meditations, obvious toevery Chriftian, able to fill with endlefle contentment all the underftandings ofmen andAngels for ever. As the in- comprehenfibleglorioufiaefïe ofGod, in the infinite beauty of his own immediate Majefty, and facred attributes; in his Word and works; inhis judgements and mercies; In his Church and Sacraments. The miraculoufneflc ofour Re- demption, and all the comfortable and glorious paflages thero£ The great myftery of godlineffe, the power of grace, trade of Chriftianity, and court of fan5tification; matterof fweeteft contemplation. Concerningour (elves, there is tobe thought upon all the affairs of our calling, the particulars, perplexities, and cafes ofconfcience incident unto them. Our prefent vileneffe, and fearfull infirmities; themiferies and frailtyofthis life : the trains of Satan, the terrours ofbell ; thatgreat Judgement . even at haa,{. In our fpirituallitate, how topreferve our firft-love, efcaperiapfes, grow in grace, keep a. good confcience, come to`Heaven. And when theeyeofour underftanding is dazled with thole higher confi Aerations, or wearied with thefe inferiour; it arightrefre{h it felt with the fpeculative fruition of many invifible comforts ; withvariety ofheavenly things, concer- ning the immortality of our foules, the Large promifes of everlafting bleffedneffe, theglorious riling again of our bo- dies,the joyes and ref} ofGods Saints above ; and that which is the crown and conclufion of all, our own molt certain bliffefullftateofhappineffe and eternity in the fecond world. Ifmenhad graceandcomfort to enlargetheir hearts to fich meditations as thefe;what roome would therebe for earthly mindedneffe, vanities and imprrtinencies; much lefl for proud, ambitious, covetous, luftfall, envious, and revengfùll i thoughts ? Thus far ofthe care& confcience ofthe true Chriftian, in watch-