U rifceurfe of true happineff . watching over and guiding his thoughts ; which is a fpeciall marke of difference from all fates ofunregeneration: forthe regenerate only keep the 1211 Commandement ;which recti- fies the inward motionsofthe heart. Now laflly,in a fourth place,and in aword ; Gods child is dif tinguifhed from the formalihypocrite, inreípec°toftheif- fue ofhis thoughts. The moil comfortable and fan ified foule, is never in filch perpetual! ferenity,but that it is fometimes, as it were, overclouded with dumps of heavineffe; and inwardly dif- quieted with its ownmotions, or the fuggeflions of Satan. While this flefh is uponit, it {hall be forrowfull ; and while it is in this valeof teares, it mull mourne. There is not an heart fo fweetly and refolvedly compofed for Heaven; but is fometimesdiffetled with thoughts ofindignation : And that eí.pecially, as appeareth by Pflme 37. and 73. When folly is let in great excellency ; when men neither of worth, confcience, or ingenuity, are advanced to high rooms, domineere in theworld, and imperioufly infult o- ver fincerity ; when the wicked profper, and fpread them= felvesin frefh pleafures and honours like green B'ay.:trees; when thofe have their eyes {landing out for fatneffe, more then heart can with ; to whom pride and infolency are as a chaire, and who are covered with .prophaneneffe and cruelty, as with a garment. But here .marké 'the .diff r rence : Difcontertfull difcourfes in themind ofthe iformal! hypocrite, either break outinto defperate conditions, :and fearfuil horrour, although this be but feldome (for: com- monly thiskind ofunregenerate m*n lives flourifhingly., and dyes fairly in the eye ofthe world) exemplary, and _irreco- verable defpaire in this life, Both ofineft befall either the notorious ironer, the=ere civili honefl man, or efpeciaily the groffe hypocrite; thereforeI would rather :fay, that'=.in him filch difcontcntfúll debatements, -are .either appealed by forneioppofìte conceit of flrongerworldly . comfort; a- bandoned by entertainment of outward mirth ; diverted by company, pleafures, and joyfull accidents, compofed by 153 4. G