Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

41111111111 =54 L/i Drfcourfeoftruehappineffl, by worldly wifdomc, or the like. But heavy hearted thoughts in Gods elide, though for a while (not utterly without fome afperfionofdiftruff) fretting and difcontent; yet commonly at lengthbeing mingled with faith; and ma- nagedwith fpirituall wifdome; by the graceof God, break our into fairer lightenings ofcomfort, greater heat ofzeale, more lively exercifeof Faith, gracious fpeeches, and many bleffedrefolutions. I will but only give one inflance, and that in David, a man offingular experience in fpirituall af- faires. Lookethebeginnings ofthe 6z.and 73.Pfalmes, and you (hall find David to have been in a heavy dumpe, and fore confliec inhis own heart with thong tentations unto impa- tiency. He recounts the ilteofthedifpute withhimfelfe, in thebeginnings ofthefe Pfalmes.Yet,faith he in the 73for all this GodisgooduntaIfraeI:even to thepure inheart. In the 62. Yet,let dive's andmen rageand combine, yet myfoule keepeth Hence unto Cod,ofhimcommeth my f lvation, &c. His many wrongs,vexations andindignities,together with the impla- cable malice, and impotent infultations of his adverfaries, hadno doubt a littlebefore much runne inhis mind. Let us conceive fuch as thefeto havebin his thoughts; and that thus, or inthe like manner, he communed and conferred with his Royall felfe : Lord,tbinks he withhimfelfe ; I have with loweft humi- lityand ùprightneffe ofheart relignedmine own foule ; nay I have vowed and refolved that my Crowne and Scep- ter, my Court and whole Kingdome, (hall for ever be fer- viceable tomy graciousGod, and that great Majefty above. Mymind isnever trulypleafed and joyfull; but when it is gazing and meditating upon the excellent beauty of his glorious Being;upon his bottomleffe goodneílfe and immea- furable greatneffe.HisWord and facred Lawes are betterand dearer unto me, then thoufands of gold and filver. His Saints upon earth are only my folace,, and their fincerity thedelight ofmineheart. . For mine innocency from thole imputationswhich are charged upon me, I dare appeale un- to