Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Lei Difourf of true happine e. 1115 to the ftriCteft Tribunaliof heaven. Why then, how comes it topaffe, that I ambecome afpedacleof difgrace and con- tempt, to heaven andearth,to men and Angels, toGods peo- ple,and that whichgrieves me more, to rath andAsk,elon ? Saul, for all the fervice Ihave done tohim, and to the State,, hunts me up anddowne like aPartridge in the mountains., Dogged Dock hee bath informed againft eArbimelecb for relieving me; and fo caufed the facred blood of fourefcore and five Priefts tobe fpilt as water upon the ground. Malice and fury drive me into the wilderneffc (for Lyons and Ty- gers are more mercifull, then madded and enraged propha- nefle) but there the barbarous Ziphims have betrayed mee to the King ; I am railed upon, not only by bafe and worthleffe companions, by fellowes of proftituted confci- ence and converfation (that were tollerable,) but even Prin. ces,and thefe that fit in the gate fpeake againft me. Not one- lydrunkards make Longs and jefts upon me, but even great men, with authority and imperioufneffe carry in triumph my diftretfedand forfaken innocency. Nay, and that which is the complement ofmtfery anddifeomfort ; mineowne fa- miliars,withwhom I haremany times fweetely and fccretly confulted,they have alfo deceiwdme, a d broo,le ; and as the rifnó`of therivers,they are pafed array. But marke now the iliacof this conflict, and inward difpute with himfelfe. Had a notoriousfirmer beene in thefe (traits, perhaps he would have burft out into defperate conclufious and furious at- tempts. Had aPapift beene heere, he wouldprefently have had recourfe unto the Ieluites, fellowes which areby defini- tion refined and fublimated Friers, compofed all of fire, blood and gun -powder; infpiredby the powersof darkneífe, with a tranfcendent rage againftGodstruth,fworne folemne- ly inthe blackeft conriftory ofHell to the deathof Kings,de- folation of States, combulaion of the whole Chrtftian world, anddeftruaion ofinfinite fouler. Thefe menwould prefently have addreft force bloody and prodigious villaine with aknife,poyfon or gun-powder to have killed theKing, and fo have blown up Saul and all his Court. Had a for- M mall