Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

I56 Difcourf of true happrrzeffe.: mall hypocritebeene in thiscafe,feeing thefe crofí'es and mi- feries befall him ; he perhaps would have prefently recoy- led from thefe courfes of oppofition, though in a good' caufe; doledwith fome great man in the Court, and cafi himfelfe into the current of the time. But marke `Davids carriage in this point: his nobleheart, like a glorious Sunne, breakes thorow thefeclouds, and (formes of inward trou- bles, thefe ftrong tentations to impatiency and difcontent; he puts on more ftrength of faith and patience, and fhines brighter inall fpirituall graces; mee thinkes he reacheth the very Meridianof all Chriftian comfort and high refolution. Foras you may fee in theforecited 6 z. Pfalrre He dothnot onely fortifie his owne heart with unconquerable confi- dence in Godsprotection; but alfowith an holy triumph, infults over the infolencies of his adverfries, and already waihetlî hisprincely feete in the bloodof the Wicked. He tels them, they(hall be (laine every mothers forme ofthem, and that,in fearefull and horrible manner : As if a man Mould come upon the backe of a rotten and tottering wall, and with great ftrength and fury pufh it downe even'fo,when they were molt fwelledwith prideand prophaneneíle, the wrath and vengeance of God, {hould like a fierce tempett and whirle-wind, feaze fuddenlyupon them, and hurle them out oftheir place. Iÿa Now in the fourth place I am tip tell you, . that theWord of God is not feated with a fanetifying foveraignty, or foundly planted by its Paving power in the affections of the fbrmall hypocrite, which is the . hearer refembled unto the ftony ground. That nobleft and higheft power, the underftanding part ofthe foule,as it is immateriall, andmoreabflraded ;fo its operations and ftirtings are more imm;neat and invifible, actedwith leffe node and notice; and therefore by coìfe- quent affoordmarker ofdiitinetion (in thepoint I profeciite) not fullyfofeufble to our felves, or eafily obvious and dif cernableto the Chriftians eye, (for unregenerate men are meere ftrangers to fuch difcretions and acknowledge enu)