t./1 Difeaurfeoftrue happirref . meats) as our affections, and ,actions. Our affections in their exercifes, and employments,being much mingledwithmatter and materiali objects, andorigi- nally actuated with lifeand motion,from the beate and agi- tations of the heart, are naturally more aétive and ftirring; andordinarily reprefent more feeling and vifible impreflìons, both to our owne fenfe, and obfervation of others. Marke therefore I pray you with reverence and confcience the dif= ferencingmarkes betweenethe power offandiñcation, and formall profellionwhich fpring thence. Some good affections even in relation to fpirituall things, and theaffaires of heaven, are incident unto, and may be found in, the faate of formall hypocrifie ; whichmany times doenot onely dazle and deceive theeyes ofthe worlds obfervation; but alfo ftrengthen and encourage afalfe con- ceit of a found estate towards God ; and a good (though groundleffe) opinion about the high and important point of' amans owne falvation. But being onely but the eff:: E s and excellencies of a more ingenuous and well breddifpofition, or at beft,theiffues and weaker produaions ofa temporarie faith,theyare not fo deeply implanted in theheart, with that univerfality, fincerity, and rootedneffe; which Gods fan- ctifying Spirit is wont toworke upon thofe foules wherein it dwels. Neither are they feafoned and enlyvedwith that fpeciall vigour offaving grace, which fhould guide and con- dud theirmaine current, and refolvedpurpofes, with cheere- fullneffe and true-heartedneffe, to the advancement ofGods glory, the enlargement ofChrifts Kingdome, the refrefh- ment and fupport of zeale and forwardneffe; which are firangely indifgrace and difcountenance with the world at this day. Theyare fuch as thofe : Reverence, and a refpeafull obfervation of G o b s Mar.6,2a. meffengers. Of which therebe two forts: i . Some are like I. thofe falte Prophets,Ezech.i 3. there you (hall have their Chárafter : who out of their owne divinity and lying vifions, cry peace peace unto the confciences of unholy M 2 men,