i 8 Z3r,ictatrfi, efone karpïne. men, when there is no peace towards, but vengeance and áaorrour is their 'natura i portion apply lenities and cor- dials to the ranking and tottered fares of carnal] hearts, w:hereas,by theholy rules of that great Art of living foules, thecure'ratherrequir-es Corrafives and Cauterizations; for want of Confcien e or courage, applaud and fecure the great Ones oftheworld, in the unbleffed fùn[hine of their outward glory, andunfandiñed greatneife ; whereas flares, fire and`brimfrone, and ítormy tempeft is ready to be rained upon their heads, and upon the hairy fcalpe ofevery one, which goes on in his finnes.Who, in fiead of linking home unto theheart ofprophaneneffe, with a powerfull andparti- cular applicationofthat two edged fword, lbwpillowes un- der mens elbowes, with the unpiercingfnoothneffeoftheir generali heartleffe difcourfes ; againfi the current of divine truth, and concurrent experience ofall that ever went to heaven, enlarge the firaightergate,and firow theway to life with Violetsand Rofes, delicacies and pleafares ; feed many hollowheartswith falfehopes, fill the cares of fooles with fpirituall Flatteries; and many times fearefully flout-iHh over with their untempered morterofall mercy,the crying linnes ofthe time,and plaufible cruelties ofgreat men. Laftly,who mixingwith their heavenly meffages, the prophane partial] diftempersoftheir owiie angry pal-lions, and their particu- lar niifonceits ofthe waiesofGod, make fad thehearts of the righteous and fnsere Profeífors, whom thd'Lord' 14,atfi not made fad by a proud intrufion into the Throneof God, . cenfure their hearts ; and many times audaciouffy proclaime thole to be hypocrites, hard-hearted, too precif , or the like, whom the Majefly, and mercifull Tribunal! of God, the Word oflife and truth, their owne>confciences, and the mu- tuall acknowledgements of difcerning Chi ifiians acquit and j ttifie : but towards the wicked andGood-f llowes, as they call them,they doe not onelyput offfilch pailìons, and I peremptorineífe; but for tl,eir fake and fcurity, they ev=en bereave the fwordof the Spirit of its edge,. finneofirs fling, the Lawofits curfe,that dreadful]day ofterror, hell ofd, n natïo:i,