Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Li/ vifeourfeof true happine /. nation, od of his juftice : by bleflìngwherehe curies, and promifing a Crowne of life to carnali livers. They firengthen (faith the Prophet) 'the hands of the Wicked, that !lee Amid, not return from his Wicked lay, by promifing him life. For want ofexperimental' skill in the myfferies offin- cerity (out of a fretting indignation againft the fàithfullneffe oftheir fellowMiniffers, and forwardneffe of theSaints, or flattering fuggeflionoffome lying Spirit) they many times fpeake peace and pleating things to thole hearts, which are fo farre from being enkindled with kindly zeale, and the fire ofthe flame ofGod, that they lie drowned in feas of gall and bitterneffe again{1 grace, and godly men. For youmuff know, that the common conceit of thefe men is, that civili honeft men are in themate ofgrace, and formali profeffòrs very forward, and without exception : but true Chriflians indeed, arePuritanes, Irregularifts, exorbitants, tranfcendents to that ordinary pitch of formall piety, which in their carnali comprehenfions, they holdhigh enough for heaven.They either conceit them tobe hypocrites,and fo the only Objectsfor the exercife oftheir minifteriall feverity,and the terrours ofGod ; or elfethough the Lord mayat latI par- donperhaps their fingularities, and exceffes ofzeale; yet in themeane time they dif-fweetcn, andvexe the comforts and glory of this life with much unnecefläry ffridneffe and a- bridgement. Now of all others, fuch prophets as thefe efpecially, are theonlymen with the formall hypocrite exactly fitted, and futable to his humour. For howfoever theymay forre-. times declaime boyfleroufly againit groffe and vifible abho- minations,and this well ; yet they are no fearchers into, or cenfuit:rsofthe ftat of formality : and therefore doe ra- ther fecretly and filently encourage him, to fit fatter upon that fandy foundation, then helpe todraw him forward to more forwardnes, and thefalvation ofChriftianity. Though they may be able to fit, and furnifh his eare and underffan- :ding with the affected excellencies of choifeft inventions; yet they want power, orwill, or confcience, or refolution, M 3 or 139