Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

8 The LifeandDeath afterward became a learned Divine and godly Preacher at London. In that Colledge bee fell dole to the iludies of Logicke and Philorophie , and byreafonofthat ground- work of learninghe got at fchoole, and ma- turity ofyeares , bee quicklygot the flail of thofeofhisowne time, and grew into fame in that Houle. In the middeft of thcfe his ftudieshis Fatherdied,and then his meancs failed, for all his Fathers lands fell to his el- der brother now living ; but this croffeby GODS providence prooved a great advan- tage to him for his growth in learning, though it put him to monftrous paines of bodyandmind : for nowwanting mcanes to buy himhookes, he borrowedofhisTu- tourandothers the belt writers on Naturall and Morali Philofophy, and the Politickes, and read them ali over, and abridged them allin4lisnote books, which are now tobee feene , and then returned the books to their owners. Nay , full a defire bee had to at- taine aperfedion in the things hee ftudied that though heewas very well skilled in the Greeke tongue, yet that flee might attainean exa6t-