160 Difcosarf of true happzne or fomething, to divide betweene the foule and the fpirit, the joynts and themar row,and thereto:e their vifions to him are.viforisofpeace;'lìebleffcs himfelfein his heart,andhopes, to bePaved as well as the precifeft. Hence it is, that the current ofhis bell pleatd affftions tonne that way,and be heartily Ioves the nuniftery of thefe men, becaufe it beales the woundsof hisConfcience, ifany be, with fweetewords ; furs him to walkeon merrily,and feareletly towards theplagues of hell, and is content hebe damnedwithout any contradiction. Neither doth heonely entertaine into his ovine thoughts, thispowerleffe, fpecula- five, men-pleating preaching, with fpeciall acceptation and. reverence : but alto openlyapplauds it in his proteftations, andordinary cenfures, with extraordinary attributions and admiration, Efpecially ifit be guildedover,and fet out with gallantneffe ofaction, pompe of words, exquifitenéífe of phrafe, elaborateneffeof file, ambitionof quotations, wit- , full luxuriancies of Pop:1h PoIUllers; with afkcled oftenta tionss of pregnancy of wit, variety of reading, skill in tongues, profoundneffe of conceit, happinefle of memory,, rareneffeofinvention, andfuch other humane artificiali ac cef ions. A.ninvifible, un-ambitious, and confionableufe and exercifeofwhichhelps (fo farre as they may be fanar- fiedly behoofefull, and feafónably contributary to that greateft andnobleft.bufinefl'e under the Sunne, the worke of the Miniftery, with bet exactnefle. can polTibly be had) I require,andreverence in the meflèngers ofGod: for I would havethe workeofthe Lord, honoured with all fufficiencies attainable by the wit and art ofman-, or graceof fo ;that theybe facrificed and futordiiiate to his glory;fanai- fied to the foule ofthe owner,, and fàlvation of thofe that Bearehim: and florin. a bafeand mercenary manner, with a boifterousvifible pompe, enthrald and madeferviceable to that, the now raigning fearefull' foule-murthering fiune of felfe-preaching.. But found the depth and difpofition aske the fenfe and refolution of theChriftians heart-in the .prefent point, and though.