cif Difaurfe of true happixeffe. i61 though we be bound to reverence with proportionable praifefullneffe,the graces of Gods Spirit, whether generali or fpeciall, wherefoere we finde them ; and hold it a part of religious ingenuity, to honour commendable parts in whomfoever : yet afluredly (I appeale to the experience and confcience ofGods children) it feeles and acknow- ledges itfèlfe more foundly comforted, and tritely Chrifli- anized, that I may fofpeake, by one Sermon woven and wrought out of a feeling foule by the flrengthof meditati- on fpiritua'ly fchooled in the experiinentallpaffages ofthe waies of God, fecrets of fandification, and methods ofSa- tan ; fupported and finewed by the true, naturali, and necef= } faryfenfe ofthe Word oflife ; managed with the powerful' incomparable eloquence of Scripture ; and enforced with the evidenceand powerof theSpirit ; thenwitha worldof generali, common-place, declamatorie difcourfes; workes onely of memory and reading; not compofitions, as iscom- monly conceived, oftrueand judicious learning; fpent ma- ny timesunprofitably in the generalities, and impertinen- ciesof fpeculative Divinity, without that Orhotomie, and particular infinuation into the hearts and confciences of men ; hunting afteran accurfed commendation, with felfe- pleafing conceits, in the wearifome mazes of anunfanfti- tied wit ; though they fhould he ftuf 'd with the flower and quinteffence ofall the Arts, humanities, Philofophies; and conveiedunto the care with the Seraphical) tongue of the highefl., and moll glorious Angell in heaven. So apprehen- five, taflefuil,, andholdfaf, is the fpiritually hungry foule of that kindly foode of immortality. So dearely doth it pre- ferre one foule-fearching period of a confcionable Sermon, before the gloriouseare-pleafing pompe of all humane elo- quence. Some other meffengers God bath, of a more noble na- tnre,and fandiified temper; whowith faithfullneffe,and con- fcience, with more holy and heroicall refolutions, by the power of mortifying grace, even againft the naturali cur- rentof theiroriginali pride, feeke the gloryofhim that lent M 4 them, I I.