Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

162 Á vdfcourfe oftrue happinej. them, andnot their owne ; which is the truth markeof a true Minifter, as wehave received it from the gracious lips ofthe Lord jefus himfelfe, Ioh.y.I 8. who heartily conf:_ crate and aci4treffe with much zealefull devotion, and a re-` folved utmoft, all the powers, and poiTbzlities of their foules, with their feverall acquifitions, and endowments, to that heavenly tradeof fairing mens foules, and fetting them forward in the wayoflife, as to their proper and principali aime andobject. Who not without a continual) godly jea- loufie over their owne infirmities, and deceit-full hearts ; z Cor.2.3 nay,many times, With much farre, and trembling under the dreadful! importancy of their mimfteriall charge, labour might and maine, toprefe.rve themfelves pure, fo farre as it is poffible, from the blood of all men, by keeping nothing backe, but {hewing them all the counfell of God, which is revealed unto them for their good ;; who by the" grace of God, dare (ifneed be) tell even twoKings unto their faces, . and alltheir Courtiers, with foure hundred falfe prophets; that they areall fearefully and foully tranfported, and delis ded with a lyingfpirit; and that their royalties, greatneffe and high roomes (hall never be able to priviledge, or pro- tect them from the wrath ofCod, if they he enemies tohis waies; that confühon and vengeance will be the certain conclufion of all their imperious and boyfterous braveries, ifthey will needs dïfgrace and perfecute his faithfull cílti chains. In a word,who being fenfible of the precioufneffe and =jetty ofGods facred truth, the matterof their mef- fage, andofthe horrible guilt offpirituall bloodfhed, ifthey fhould be negligent; or Non- refident; gird theirfwords up- on their thighs;ride on becaufe of the Word of truth, and quit themfelves like the men ofGod; andwho having their tongues touched with a coale from the Altar, and hearts . taught experimentally in the great myftery ofGrace, deli- ver their embaffies from that higheft Majefty, with autho- rity andpower ; and notas the Scribes and formali Do&ors.. For you inuft conceive, that befides More generali minifte- riallfufficiencies, there is a kinde ofholy art, and particular' heavenly ,.