Difeourf of true bappineffe. heavenlywifedome of' winding amans felfe, with apraé}i- call infinuation, into theconferences of men ; ofworking remorfe, andmeditations of returne, upon mif.-'led and fen fuail foules,by a feafonable applicationof the Law ; of faire - ly wooing, and winning by little and little dif<ffeeled pafsions, unto the love and -pleafùres of Gods waies ; of drawing brufed hearts and troubled fpirits, with a compaf- fionate hand and feeling heart, unto the Well oflife; oftrai- ningup babes inChrift, in thenegleFtedand unbeaten paths ofChriftianity, with fpirituall inftruaions, predi£tions, and caveats, for prevention and fafety againft Satans dangerous infidiations of fecurity or horrour, formality or- exorbi- tancies ofzeale, &mac. Vnto which,ifthe man ofGod doe not addreffe his heartwith uprightneffe, prayer, and refolution ; he fhall never be able to purchafe that comfort unto his owne foule, happineffe, or inexcufablenefhe to his auditory, and that meafureofglory unto his great Malter in heaven ; whichone imployed in his moil-immediate anddeareft fer- vice,, being thehigheft advancement that mortali creatures upon earth can be raifedunto, fhould, and is bound to de- fire. Admit a Phyfician tobe an anabfolute Ariftotelian,Gal- lenift, Anatomilt, Ierbalift, excellent in all fpeculative ac- complifhmentsofhis Art ; yet except he be furnifhed with a further dexterity, and inabled to take fpeciall notice of a mans coni.titution, thepeccant humour, ftrength ofnature,, growth ofthe difeafe, and other particularand perfonall cir- cumftances, ordinarily obfervahle in all fucceffefull cures ; and thereafterproportion and apply his refcriptions ; well mayhe goe for a learned man, but withwife men be (hall. never winne the reputation of a goodPhyfician.' Give me a ,Ivlinifter, admirable for the profoundneffe and variety of as.' much knowledge asyou will ; let him be as it were a greedy I nclofer, aninfatiable Monopolift of all kinde of learnings, bothancient and moderne, ofpofitive, textual%, controverfe. Cafe-divinity, with all other fpeculations ofthat holy Art ; yet, except he befurther fanFtified with anexperimental) infight into the great myftery of Godlineffe, and into the particna. 163