164 M óp3oju,u;2iY z T111133. 15. i King.' a7.&zz.8 Ier:38.4. Amos7.E3 A61.24.,5. c Difcourfe oftrue happideffi. -° particularities of that heavenly Science ofPaving foules; which (me thinkes) is the additionofa more fpeciall fupe- riour vigour, that actuating the generalities and contem- plations of Divinity, gives life and foule unto our mi- nilreriall funftion; except he d_fire with confcience to divide the Word of tr \ath aright, and zealoufly endea- vour to apply himfelfe powerfully to the various cxi, gents of mens fpirittall Prates ; well may he carry a- way the credit of a great Scholler, and famous Preacher, with the greater part : but I doe not fee, how lie íha1l ever heable to purchafe in the hearts and confciences of difcer- ning Chriftians, the honour and reverence of a good Pa- from.. Amongft the reft, one reaíbn, why in this glorious Noone-tide ofpeaceand profefsion, we have fo many Prea- chers, and littleplanting ofgrace, is, becaufe we havefo few truly skilfull, and well fchooled in the fècret paffages, and prac}ife ofthat highand fùpernaturall Art offoul-faving. Be- caufethe Word is not handled with that confcience, feeling, and affdion;but formally,and Frier-like: for felfe-praife, and private ends. Now the ordinary conceit, which unregenerate men generally entertaine of this fecond fort of Gods Meftèn- gers, is, thevery famewhichwas habituated in the heart of Ihab .againft Elias and cíllichaiah; of thofe prophane Princes, againft Ieremy; of ,Imaziah againft A171m95; of Tertollus againft Paul.: that they are Troublers of Ifael, Preachersofterrour, Tranfgreffors ofpolicy, unfit toprophe- fieat the Court,or in the Kings Chappell, pefrilent Fellowes, Seditioners,Fat}ionifis,borne only to difquiet the world,and vex mens confciences. Whereby the way, let me in a word fzpport and fortifie the fainting refolutions ofall faithfull Mi- nifters,and true hearted Nathanaelr,igainfr the difgraceful op- pofitíons and plaufiblecrueltiesofthe timcs,byArming them ofthe truthofthis Principle, in the SchooleofChrift confir- medby infinite experiences:that, In thefedayes ofours, efpeciallywhich are firanely pro- phane,and defperately naught, inwhat man foever, the pow- er