Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Difeeurfe of true happineffé. 161 er of grace, Graces &Gods Spirit, undaunted .zeale, refo- lute fincerity, are more working, eminent, andmarkeable, ordinarily, themore and more implacable, outragioust and inflamed Oppofites (hall that man finde, wherefòere bee lives. But let him build upon it, heis bound, andought to binde the very utinoft rageofthe worlds bafeít infolencies, & indignities;nay,were there charged upon himeven whole volumes, of moltflinging inveCtives,(and contumeliesare far greatercorrafives togenerous fpirits, and doe more nettle them, then any other outwardcroffes orwrongs) theexquiteft malice,andpen'd with the bittereft gallof his molt enragedAdverfary; yet I fay, he is bound to bind them all as a Crowneunto hishead, and joyfully tofet, and feale themwith prayer andpatience. upon his heart, as fomány glorious teftimonies,and infallible affurances,notonely ofthe nobleneflè ofhis courage in Gods caufe, and eminencyof' zeale againft the corruptionsofthe time, here upon earth : but alfo ofaricher reward, in heaven,., andbrighter crowneof immortality. But to the point, to-which I have thought this preface a feafonable preparative though carnal]. conceits doe tom- .monlyout of a naturali difconceitfullneffe, with much gall- full antipathy; diftafle the fincerity, andpowerfulnes ofcon- fcionable.Minifters ; yet the Formal]. Hypocritefigured un- to us by the ftony grcund, which I place in the higheft rankeof unregenerate men,, for perfections attaineable in that ftate, may fbmetimes, in fome forts even reverence the 'cronies, (Michaiahs,. and. John? aptift s ofthe time ; I meane thofe menof God,. which deliver his meffage with confcience,and courage, withpower and demonftration of, .. theSpirit;who liftingup their voice like a trumpet,dare,and doe tell thepeople their tranfgreffions, and thehoofe ofIs- cob their finnes.Infhort,: who are not men-pleafers in their Miniftery ; but the fervants ofChrift ; which in the fenfe of theApoftle,ftand oppofite and diftant with a ftrong,. everlá- fling, and, incompatible contradiéion. For clearing then, and refolving the point, conceive° the Gal.', i o. different