Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

166 c./t T>ifcourfe oftrue hviPaeflé. ... I Pet.i. I S. different grounds, and 'motives of this formali refpei to godly Minifters, which fpringsoat o/theIto ly ground, and maybe foundin an unregenerate .man ; and that hearty reve- rence towards them, which is dearely and deeply rooted in the good and honeft heart. The formal'. Hypocrite may reverence evenGods faithful- left Meffengers thus,and for fuch caufes as thefe : Ifhebe but naturally of more noble and worthy incli- nations, towards thematchleffe faireneffe of the worthieft truth; and fuffèrreafon to carry his aff:Ctions, withoutpre- judice or partiality, upon the trueft worth he ¡ball fande, even out of a morali congruity, and grounds of common fenfe, that themolt refpecifull devotions, and additionsof his heart, are due by right, and by a proportionable obfer- vationof dillrent excellencies, toan Ambafl'idour ofGod, efpecially fanc`tifiedwith holy abilities thereunto ; as to the onely Angell upon earth, and nobleft creature under the Sunne; and to thofe fecrets of heaven,revealedby the pow- er ofhis miniltery; which are fo tranfcendent to the depths ofnature, and all created inventions, that they ravifh even Angelical! underftandings with extraordinary admiration andlonging. All truth is amiable to ingenuous apprehen- fions, and (at the firft approach and imprefiion) pofl'effe them with afecret lovely ravifhment ; but if it be mingled with vilïble marker of majefty, and divineneffe, as Gods truth is, no marvell though by its ordinary attrathvenefle, and na- tive excellency, it drawon an addition offomekinde of re- verence from more generous minds, though unregenerate; and better fpirited men, though not yet fpirituall. So that the man, which dothfoundly unfold the facred myfteries ofthat fupernaturall truth, may even in that regard grow fometimes into a reverent eftimation with unfanctified men ; who thoughas yet they want all true and reali inter. ePt in thofebleffed tidingsof eternity and peace, which he brings from heaven; yet they regard and reverence him for themajefty of that meffage, which he delivers with integri- ty andpower. As