v1 Difc urfe of .true 167 As more cholericke and cruell difpòfrtions, doe many 2, times in a v ery 1:aièand barbarous manner difc'harge the tt- moil of their gall ; and dce every way their very worfi a- gainftf all fncere Profeflcuw s of grace, efpecialiy,the power- cfull Planters thereof : fò others there are better'borne,of more manly breeding, andworthineffe -of nature ; who do' out of anaturali compar_onatei:ffe, and pang-of common humanity, commiferate the miferies and opprel3ions of in-1 nocency, wherefoever they fee it groaning under the inío- lencies of cruelty and malice. And therefore Piththe con:- fcionable `,inifter is anordinary & eminent Objee}, where- on prophaneneffe,and pollicy;hatred tobe reformedand -con- formallPope:y; hell and the world, doe execute theextre unity of their rage and Foyfon; thefe more impartial) and milder-tempered men, though they doe not favour his for- wardneffe,or concurrewith him in right-conceit of tion; yet they cannot chufe, but Tooke upon him (fo un- worthily vext)with-pitying eyes,andmorally-Melting incli- nations ofheart. Nay, when they farther confider in their better mindes, that he is fodefpitcfully loaden with variety ofwrongs and indignities ; andtrcmpledupon, as it were,e- `ven untoduff, by the feete òf-pride and unmanly infulrations,: for no other caufe in the world, butbecaufe he labours with fincerity and zeale, topull he-precious foules of men out of theDive's mouth,and the damnationofhell ; and when they fee that Le flands on his lvefters tide, and for thegl y ofhis caufe and truti, with fuchp`atience,coiflancie,and.undaun-- tedneffeoffpitit; even againft his owneparticular welfare, thecountenance of the world, current ofthe times, and race of man ; they are forced to reverence thofe high and hetoi- cilrefolutions of has,, as certain venerable inipreilions of Divinity,an 1 infrí ons oflie ven ; theugh they cannot away with the holy firielnefie of 1 is=waies,ór heartily love the fin- jgularityofhis fanclification. ifhe be of a more politique and refrved deportment, greedy.of popularity. :;.d applanfe, atnbitrcdis after a-pro-!; tn.fcuous- reputatinii, from all brts of'soen; he may freni a generals