Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

i68 Kai 16,3. r SAM.' s. ;os t/í .7)ifcourfé oftrue happire. general' forme ofaddreflîng and accomodating himfelfe, with apleating convenient carriage toall humours, degrees andprofetlions, proportion and tingle out (amongft the regt) anartificiali formal' refpec5iveneífe, to thofe faithful' Mef fengers ofGod, which flee knowes and acknowledges in his ovine confcience, tobe truly, due by the rules of Divini- ty,and royal' challenge ofheaven ; but performes onely out- wardly,in pollicy,for by-refpe&s,or private ends; out ofthe vaftneífe (perhaps) and univerfality ofhis popular ambition, to winde himfelfe with a more plaufible inlìnuation into theaífe&ions,and to win thegood willes, and wordof that kindofpeoplealfo,which iu. the worlds language are nick- namedPuritans ; but in Gods íäle, are honoured with the Elogie of the onely excellent upon earth. This happens fometimes, efpecially, ifhee, live in a veine of good Chri- ftians, and where goodneífe,andgodly men (ifany placebe fo bleft) be predominant, and beare the greateft fway. There, becaufe otherwife he cannot hold correfpondence with thegood, opinions ofthebelt, he joynes and concurres with them (forhis credit fake) in outward eftimation, and countenancingofthe Miniftery. ï Yea, andbetides, as I con- ceive, there may be (which may be a further meanes to draw an this reverence) even a true-hearted fecret delire, fometimes in unfanaified hearts, to purchafe a good con- ceit from a graciousman, although they will by no meanes fympathize withhim, infincerity, either by judgement, or prac`ice yet ifit might be enjoyed,with the fenfuall enjoy- ment oftheir darlingpleafure, andwere they any waies ca- pableofcoincidency ; they would with all their hearts;and fpeciall deareneffe, (though perhaps their height of[to- Macke would difdaine, and not defcend to the acknow- ledgement,) embrace hiswarrant,, and allowance for their fpirituall Rate: and could they pofbly procure it, they would efteeme his voice, for election into the fociety of Saints, the rareft Jewell in the crowneofall their civil' cre- dit, and commendations. So it is,that fometimes unregene- rate men humble upon the right waY to true reputation. For