Difeourfe of true happine *. For indeed there was never man upon earth had a good name in the right fenfe and interpretation ; but it was hono- red with the approbation and teftimony of good men. I would not care a pins end, ° concerning a trueand rightefti- mateofmy hate towards God, what all unregenerate men in the world (though ennobled with an incomparable con- currenceofwifedome,knowledge,pollicy, greatnes,orwhat other remarkable excellencies foever) fay,or conceive in the point : for I know they areharke blinde,and cannot fee;they are in more then Egyptian darkeneffe, and cannot-pofiibly' comprehend the :invifible brightneffe and fpirituall glory of fanftified men, and thrice-bleffed hate of Chriflianity. But now in this cafe,I mufftell you,I would infinitely prefer the advifed good opinion and dif-affectionate affent of the pooreft judicious Chriftian, before the fhining favours, and all thofe adored influencesof Princely grace, which canpof fibly flow from theglorious Circle of thebrighteft Imperial' , Crowne uponearth. Fourthly, this impreffionofreverence towards thebeh 4. Minifters;, that may infome fort for afeafon,at theleaft,pof- feflè the heart of the formali Hypocrite, mayalfo fpring from that naturali foveraigntie, and powerfull command, which theWord ofGod., preft with power and confcience, doth exercife over mens confciences. From the dazling a- honifhment ofthat invifible piercing light of divine truth, which doth fometimes upon the fudden, rufh violentlylike a flafh of lightening, from the mouthoftheMinifter, into thevery inmoil clofets of his heart ; and there difcover (not without Tomehorrour) his moilfecret lühs, and darke hypo- critics. Fromthat facred chara&er ofheavenlineffe, andaw- full.terrour, which Gods dreadful' hand doth many times trampe (as it werevifibly) upon tholemen; whomhirtafelfe: detigáes with fpeciall addreffe, and fanciifies withlviinihe- riall Grace, to reveale and reprefent the myheries of hea- ve , and his owne great Majefly in that eminent and glop rimsmanner. From a confcious comparing of his owne 1 fecret guiltinef'fe, and duller paflages ofun-zealoufneffe and, formality: 169