170 Lit ,ûifeowf of tncse bappiy3e. formality', With-the fearchi-rig unrefi(tablenefl of theirMi- nifery, and zeale-fullfincerity of theirlife. From a conceit, that a faithfull man ofGod, by his Mini}eriall mediation, dothftand in- the gappe againit the irruptionsof threatned judgements,. anddeferved vengeance ; and by thepiercing keyofhis fervent prayer, unlockes the riched treafuries of heaven, for the effifionofall manner bleíTings, comforts,and protections upon the place where he lives. Or at thebelt, from a.fuperfciall fenfe, and generali apprehenuion of thofc many excellent refce:ntnents, and glorious graces,which by their Mtniftery are flied into, and thine fall fweetely upon thefad diítrefhs.oftruly-troubled foules; and are comforta- bly conveyed (through Chrifts bloody wounds) into the gafpiug agonies ofbleeding hearts. Though that precious blood never melted his marble heart into tearesof true re- pentance, nor Gods infinite mercywon hishearty aff'c}ion to the waitsofgrace; yethe bath a kindeof glimmering hope (but from falf and flattering grounds) that aPallîon offuch unvaluableprice, and bleffed ftore-houfe ofunlimi- ted tender-heartediáefl' , fhould never poffibly be ifinted, or reltraine.d , before late- have his part in the purchafe, and a íhare in thole; rich cornpafïïons. Efpecially fithincongruity ofjuflice,and probability of Gods proceedings, there is fach a large harveft for hell,beforehe be laidhold on. Forhis pre- fent perfections give him precedencie before notoriousfin- ners,groffe hypocrites,meerly civili honeft men, back-íliders from profelfïonofgrace, and a-world of wickedmen worf then himfelfe. But whencefoever it firings, or what grounds foeverit hath,this reverence to Godsfaithfull Mel n;ers, in the for- mall hypocrite, is ordinarily turned intoheart-rung againit them,in theft three cafes : Firft,when by direction of thevery flrft rule in thefacred myfteryof falling foules, and following that oneiymethod forplantation ofgrac_,chofen,andchalked oat untous by the precedency andpraeFice of the Prophets, A-?oltles, Chrilt himfelfe, andall thole happy Ones, that ever fet their hearts, with