Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

11111111MOIFIN Di fcourfeoftrue;h4ppine. 17; with courage andfìncerity, tothefalvationofmen ; andbe,- ,haved themfelves, with dexterity and confcience, in the Lords harveft ; I fay,when thus, by the :guidanceofan holy wífdome, they fir(t begin to lay about them, with the ham- mer of the Law, amongft a number offtony hearts ; and to 'lay it on with a witnei're, with -full weight and iteration ofRro'kes, from thebelt ftrength of a :fpirituall arme, upon the hairy fcalpe of every one which hates to be reformed: when he fees and feeles that they weld that two-edged fword, with refolution and power, and:fendit homewitha fearleffe and faithfiill hand, even into the very , center ofa fearedconfcience, and to the he'att ofprophaneneffe, and re- bellion : when he findsby experience, that men can :have no cafe or reff under theirMiniffery ; but they are í}i11 gra- ting with piercing and terrour upon their guilty confcien- ces, fringing their carnallhearts withfenfeof thofe flaming 'horrours whichhang over their heads, and fo refflefly .tor- menting them before their time ; I faythen,and inthis;cafe, he begins tocook the heat, and rebate theedgeof his efti- mation. A diffaffull prejudice against filch boyfferous pro- ceeding, as heconceits and cals it, begins to juRle out of his aif lions that former reverence. And hereupon you fhall .heavehim fometimes out of a pang offormality, and felf-guiltineffe, breakeout against them to this fenfe, efpe- ciallywhen himfelfehathbeenelatelyRung and galled upon the fore : though I take fuch and fuch to be well meaning and honeRminded men, andcan be content to heare them now andthen; yet methinkes theymarre,all with toomuch judgement, and prefling the Lawwith that peremptorineffe and rigour. I doe not like that they fhould .aflame and ex- ercife filch feverity and imperioufneffe over mens confcien- ces. Thefe particular applications and fcretTingling out of mens fànnes, taRe toomuch ofmalice and private revenge. I will Rand untoit, this do.`trine ofdifferencingmens fpiri- tuall Rates ; ofperfeaions attaineable in the .Rate ofunrege- neration ; andhow farre a reprobate may goe, and yet be damned, is able to drive men to defpaire. They fo beare N them-