I72 c.'i Difeourf oftruehappinee. themfelves in their Sermons, andftraiten the way to Hea- ven ; as-thou:h none fhouldbe faxed, but the Brethren, and thefe Chrittians (as nówby anexcellency theycall one ano- ther)that reach juft the fame ftraine ofpurity and precifenes, . which they in their fàncifull aLftractionserea above theor- dinary. Well, well, let them!coke unto it, by fuch afiigh- ting points as thefe, anddil-beartning thepeople with fear-, full fentences, they may make liach wounds in weake confèi- ences,that all theBalme in Gilead, perhaps the precious blood ofChrift will never after revive, or bind up and clofe with comfort, Vic, I would not for a world ofgold,give any fhadow ofjuf}i. fication,or leaft allowance, to the unfeafonable terrifying of any trembling confcience : God forbid. It wereprodigious. cruelty to powre the wine of wrath and horrour into the mournful! groanings ofabruifed fpirit.It were a curfed cure, and that hand was hewed outof'the hard& rock, which can endure toapply abiting corrafive to a bleeding foul.As I dare not upon penalty ofanfwerablenes for the blond of their fouls, cry,Peace,peace,to unholy men,were they gods upon Eaith; or promife pardonand pleafure in another world, tóany that nestles and nuzzles himfelffenfually and fecurely in'an earthly Paradife,were he an Angell of heaven:foI infinitely'defìre'to convey thewarmeft blond that ever heated theheart ofChri(t; thefweeteft balme that ever dropt from the pen ofthe bided Spirit,upon the f creel leaves ofthebook of life; the deare{t mercies, that ever rould together the relenting bowelsof Cods tendereft cornpafíions,tntoevery broken and wounded heart. or as premifes offalvation to a worldling, are like ho- nour to a foole:fo terrors ofthe Law to a truly humbled peni- tent,areas fnow in Summer,and rainin I]arveft,both,both un feemly andunfeafonable. And I hope all the Wife Ambaf idours ofGod, make con- fcience ofa feafonable revealing unto the formes of men, that higheft and trar,kendent excellency of their Matter his mercy. Many glorious expreíons and reprelentations wherof, purpcfely ítamped by his own hand', do thine molt