.Di f ourfe eftrue hiippine. 173 moft orientlyand vifibly, to every underfaanding eye, both in this and the other world,inunitely beyond all created Coin- prehenflons : in all thepafiiges of his Book ; in thofe joy- full Pallaces of Heaven ; in themany capitali chara tors of his goodneffe andbounty, which we may runne and reade in every leafe,and page,and lineofthis great Volume of' Na ture, round about us ; in the hourly compaf ions to his creatures ; in thole Angelicall guards about his chofen ; but principally, and farre above all conceit either of man or An- gell, in the pallion ofhis Sonne. And thefe three occafions efpecially exact from them a difcovery of, this bottomlefl,"e depth. i. When they open unto their people his divine Attri- butes,and unfoldwith fobriety the incomprehenfìbleneífe of his Being;Mercy then is tomarch the firft,fo farre and in that fenfe,as infinity admits precedency,and to take up her feat in the higheI Throne;as the faireft flower inhis garlandof Ma- jetty, the brghteft ray that iffaes out of that unapprochable light,the lovelieft Jemtne that crowns all his boundleffe, im- meafurable,imperiall glory. 2. Secondly in their ordinary difcoveries of the dam- nableneffe ofmens Rates, at idthofeendieffe woeswhich are treafured up for them againft the day of wrath, they mutt wifely mingle fome lightnings ofthe Gofpell with the thundrings ofthe Law ; fomeufes ofcomfort, with thofe of' confufion ; marksof fincere Profeffours, with their dif}iq- c4ive charafters of the many forts of unregenerate men; cordials ofcompanion, with corrafives of terrour. When they are drivingdefperate (inners, by their denunciations of judgement, towards the hrinkc ofdefnaire ; they muff (head into their finking fouls fome glimpfes ofmercy, upon con- dition ofamendment,and hopes ofpardon, in cafe ofpen( tency. Hopeleffe hearts do curioufly affli themfelves with muchafEJedhorrour and imaginary hells : which if Satan once fee, he plyes the advantage with all the craftinef- fes and cruelties of hell.: He.prefe tly by his accurfed Al- chymy, will turn .tbe >l.eaft ,f nfull vanity into a crying vil N 2 ..luny ; Hsod. 3 4, 6,7. Ifa. t. a8 sc s J.7,8, 9