Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

174 a t/1 lyifte f oftruc happin e_ Zany I aberrationsofyouth, into fcarlet abominations; eve- ry tranfgreflionragainftight ofconfcience, into finneagainfl the"HolyrChofi. In fitch apoint offpirituall extremity, he doth. fkrongly fuggefl, and is. eager to perfwade a man, that though thearmes of Chrift, and gates of' grace fland wide open for entrance and embracement, until' the Surine of the natural' life. be fet yet inthiscafe,the cafe is altered : for theperiodofhisgracious day, and turne for time of vifita_ tion is expiued, and alreadypafl : that though the blood of' the unfpotted Lambe, upon Repentance,. faved even the foules of thofe that fpilt it.; yet it belongs not to him : though the promifes oflife, in the Wordof truth, be made unto us, without limitationoftime, or exceptionof finnes; yet he hath nopart in them, his name was never writin the Booke of life, h"e is out ofthedecreeofelerion, heElands re- probate unto the covenantofgrace, &c. Miniflers then, fo muchas-in them lyes, muff meet with thismalice of Satan, arnd.labour by all meanes to preferve and maintain the life of hope, and poflibility of pardon, in heavy hearts, amid their greater horrour. Ifthere be nohopeofbeing received' to grace, there will be no defire toreturn into theElate of grace. Theymuff be taught and fore-wareaed,that there are twowayes, out of thedreadful' vifitations ofconfcience; and theperplexed flraitsofa vexedmind: they may either fol- low Iudàa-thecurfed'fl man that ever breathed-, from horror- to-the halter ;, and fopoafl after him out ofthehell ofa de.. fpairingconfeierrce, to the hell offire and brimftone, bur- ning forever before the throneofGod; whichGod forbid or elfe theymay tract Chrift jefus, bread for ever, by his bloody drops unto the Crofle, whichis the right path, and as Godwould haveit. Ifthey take thefirfl, athoufand times better nevertohave been: For they diffionour the Ivlä}effy- ef'rleaven inthe hig,liefl degree imaginable, by dif-roabing Goèf ofthe brightefl beame of his glory, his mercy; and they wilfully and fenfelefy damne their fouls and bodies . in theloweR dungeonof thebottomleffe pit,irr thevery fame roome with that incarnate lAiveil the betrayer of Mill. But I! 11