Difcourfeoftrue happïne/. ( I75 But if they take the fecond, they are blelk that ever they wetoborne. Never did tender hearted mother fo fweetly lull her deareft infant in her bofome and armes of love titer afall ; as the SonneofGoddoth in facia a cafe bend his bru- fed body, evento the exprefïion ofbloody drops, with love- lief imbracements and companions, to heale and bind up fuchbroken hearts. Nay,in his elteeme (this is only a pearle for true Penitents, letno fwine trampleupon it, or liranger take it up) his precious blood is made (as it were)norepre- cious andorient, by covering crimfon fiones, if a ground be firii foundly laid with teares of true Repentance. And God himfelfe is thereby angularly glorified, who then longs the molt to (hew mercy, when it is nearea tobe utterly defpai- redof. Oh ! he holds himfelfemightily honoured, when a poore foulemiferably mangled, andhewed and hackt upon, by Satans malice andwounds of aline, conies bleeding and weeping to the throneofgrace for pardon and comfort. Ho cannot poffibly be better pleafed : he thinks nothing too deare for filch anone ; were it a draught ofthe hearts-blood ofhis own Sonne; be it the delicious cillann4 of his dearelt mercies, or themoil ravi(hing comfortsofthat bleflzd Spi- rit, Oh ! faith he,out ofa pangofthat love, which brought Chrift Jefts from his bofome,into the bowelsof the Earth ; Oh ! faithhe, O thou of j'lit ed ndtofredWith tempeft,that h4 i(a:çq.. i t, nocomfort; behold, IWi/i lay thy (tones With the Carbuncle, tza and lay thyfoundation With Saphirs, and I Will mall thy win- dows ofemeralds, and thy gates (lining 'tones, and all thy borders ofpleafnt(tones. That is, I will turne thy depths of forrow, into feas ofcomfort; thy bitter teares,intofpirituall triumphs ; thy formerhorrors,intoheavens ofjoy. Í will fill thyheart with thole unmixedpleafures, which no man (hall take from thee ; thy confciencewith peace that paffeth all underfanding ; thy Crowne of life with (hieing glory, which thy utmoft conceit cannot poíhbly comprehend. At ;filch a timehe puts on (as it were) his Imperiall roabes, his roabesofftate; and rifeth upwith greatelt majefty into his highelt and molt glorious Throne, to graceand honour, that N3 I