Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

176 cí1 Difcourfe oftrue happinef I may fo fpeak,that happy match and marriageofan humbled foul unto hisonly Son.He feaffs thole purer fpirits,the blèifed Angels,with extraordinary joy, triumphant Halleluiahs, and new fongs ofcongratulation,at the fòlemnization ofthofe fa- cred 21jptials, So naturall andp.leafing to the incomparable fweetnes ofhis mercifull dìfpotition, is chewingofcompaflî- on,and pardoning offins. 3. Thirdly, the moll naturall and proper objet} of Gods pitre and comniiferation, is a broken and contrite spirit. True penitents only, are perfons rightly qualified for the- pardons ofheaven. And therfore the choifèft and chiefeft feafon of all, for the Ministers ofGod to raine downe re-. frething fhowres of mercy- from the Throne of grace, is when mens hearts are (as it were) chapt, and drywith true hearted forrow, and shedding teares for finne; forely fcorcht andwaftedwith fenfeofthat devouring wrath, which is a confuming fire; and eagerly gafpe for grace, as the parcht and thirfty land for drops of raine. Oh how faire a thing is mercy in the timeofanguifh and trouble ! It is like a cloud of raine that commeth in the time ofa drought. Let thepower ofthe Law firs}breake and bruife, which is a neceffary pre- parative for the plantationofgrace; and then powre in (and fparenot) themolt precious oyle ofthe fweeteft Evangeli- callcomfort. But many, very many marre all, with miffing this method : Either for want ofsanctification in them- felves, or skilltomanage their Malers butineffe ; either by reafonof theirferving the time, or focicty with good-fel- lowes, as they call them, or the like; they audaciously blefie with cowardly filence, or accurfed flatteries,. where God bimfelfe doth curfe : and all their life long,purpofely fpill many a golden viali of the well of life, and largeft doles of graciouspromifes, upon lony hearts andformall Pharifees. Our deare Redeemer,that great Minifferof the Gofpell, and hMediatourfor mercy, tcachetii another leffon, and told' us whenhe was upon earth, that the Lord had anointed him: Luk.4. 8, whereunto ? topreach good tidings : but to whom ? unto the powre, to bind up, the broken, hearted, to preach deli- verance