Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

1.7 es1 .Défcourfe oftrue happírsep. out againf preffin g the La and preachtng of judgements t ; particulaz p iercin g applications, and torturingmens confci- ences with amazements and fèare ; becaufe (Ifaconfciona- , ble courfe ofpreaching goe for currant) they are caft and condemned x and if the way toheaven be fo narrow, (as in- deed it is, ifGhrifl J efusbe ofany credit with them) they, mull never come there; except in themeane time theycome on to the forwardneffeof the Saints, and that true hearted holineffe, without whichno man (hall ever fee the face of' God.Hence it is,that betides their own fecret diflafle, and re- ludation, they labour with much prophane and boyflerous oppofition, to bring the fa'ithfulleft Paflours ofGodspeople into difgrace and difaccount ; as though they were fellows offurious fpirits ; fons onlyofthun er and lightning ; Do- dots ofdefpaire, and unmerciful) di penfers of damnation, Nay, ordinarily thefe men exclaime with more difcontent and clamour, againf} preachingofjudgements forfinne, then notorious inners : for thefe many times (out ofa fenfe of their guiltinefè, and withan ingenuous acknowledgement) confeffe them tobe juft but put them off with a flattering prefumptuous conceit, that God is merciful); or refervation to repent hereafter, or with a purpofe for theprefent to be- comenewmen, though fuch holy motions are foone after drowned in the prophane revellings ofgood-feliowhip : but theother out ofaproud errour, ofmifaking their fptrituall ffates,and rharifaicall confdence, juflifie themfelves, and wouldgladly perfwade their hearts, that inward aflonifh- ments andapprehenfons ofterrour in fuch cafes, arife rather from the diftempered terrifying zeale of the Preacher, and unfeafonablepreffing ofjudgement, then from the fling of their guilty confciences, and inviable finger ofan angry and difpleafedGod. Todealeplainely,this is thevery true caufeof their impo 'tent out-cryes and compl,ints, that thefe precifer Preachers come Hill withnothing but damnation and vengeance : out of their fowre and imperious auflerity, caft nothing but wild-fire,brimflone,and gun-powder,itito the confcienceso ---- men,