Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

ßs1 Jifecurfe of true happinee. 179 men, and' take the ready way to drive them to defpaire : 'Whereas Cod know es, iftheywere fitted for mercy; would they fubmit the naturali pride oftheir guileful! hearts, with humility and unrefervednes to the foveraignty of the Word, and fimplicity of the Saints; they would with all their heartspowre whole Oceans offofteft oyle into their woun- ded foules, and fill their bruifed fuirits with a joyfull conflu- ence ófall the preciousPuff rings ofChrift, ptomifes of life, comforts of grace, mercies cfGod, and joyes ofheaven. What comfort in the worldcan any IV inifter have in vexing mens confciences, and ftanding at ftaves end with thewhole world?but that théy dare not (for the life oftheir foule) be falfe to their great Lord and Soveraigne ; and doe heartily thirft to draw their brethren out of hell, and to fave their immortali foules out of thofe everiafiing flames. To con- clude the point, they aft unto themfelves in the mouldof their worldlywifdome, a religious mediocrity; and pitch with refolution and f. curity upon a meafure of profeflion and degree ofzeale, compatible with their maine carnali contentment;and that muff be a competent fufficiencyofhc- lineflé fbr heaven,andferve their turne for falvation. Which glorious forruality,ifGodsMefhenger,out ofa zealous impati- ency againft luke-warmeneíie, tranfgreffe and- cenfure, and fquarenot with an exa& proportion all his refolutions and applications from the Word therunto,hefpeaks in their fenfe, either not to the purpofe,outofprivate humour,or too impc - rioully. Thefe diftempered boyfterous exclamations, ór at leaft,, fecret impatiency and fretfulneffe againft confcionable pref- fing the Law, and juft denouncement ofjudgements for fin, . is acommon marke to the fòrmall Hypocrite, with all forts ofunregenerate men ; and conftantproperty of all the tons ofAdam, while they yet lye foftly repofed upon their beds ofpleafure and hate to be reformed, for fuch caufes as thefe : I. They thinke themfelves all the while arraigned at the barre of Cod. 7 heir gauled confciences cry guilty. The